Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 January 1937 — PRINCESS OF THE NETHERLAND IS MARRIED TO GERMAN [ARTICLE]


! l'rincna< Jaotrhu-r cf j< v >ueen Wilhelm uf ih*? NVth*»r-, ; Ur.ds 7 ia lUr.4haivl | Upp*-Btesterfo'd «t <kr \ ■: *n «i c*renionv. 5 A ti*|Nty bir£ortii.»t-.>r tvct« d ' the c!vi< tntrn#|fe t>cl f j tnt! i\>yal ojuuU at thf tu\ui niaii, ai i»e prt;wulin»ī a H'ii*: uus ce»«n «ny $t st J»ghs chutvh. ! <>awdti iu'nm«rdthe» * K \ : ,tru it> •nd ch#«?ft;d th# * ii £3 it lcft tti« piU-v mui w »v. firM tv» t»»« c t4 fetU «(,d ihtv* io, im cav,}\ S. [ ■'! Otu* •hii'inihannl nu id< tu C Hl»d l»ic *hu) Utn

of' luliana'e bridesmki<!fl wēre| i'rst rt;t'used > i>assport3 by thej Germab g>v r emment. Hoi!arwls protestpd arid the 'doeuTner»td we?e supplied. I<adiant in an ivory satin drfess sorinkied wUh orange bl->ssoms, tbe priocess, who is tbe sole hcpt of *erpetuat'Otf the House of Orans:d, stJod m & brj(Tiant c*rde of brjdes:iiiiids durirvg the chor< h wetldioiar. Quict Bernhard, r€spler,dcnt in bi« uniform of Captain of the Blue Hussars, hee ime by roya! deciee "His Iloyal Highness ) Prince of Tbe Nether!ands. v Bells pea!ed throughout the !*inp:dom as the CDUpb drove i through the streets in a golden dravvn by eiKbt horses, whieh steppe.d their wav pastj ,cheering lines of l)utch fol t%. ; Meanwb ; le in tbe bamlet ofi Oestgees« "the other .īaliana'* whese name is Petronella Vandeoioee"« was wed to Martinus Van!jteiri, a eanō] worker. , She was otber g-irl in the Dtrch realm majried today becaus's she and the prmcess 'vere born at the same hoi:r.