Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 37, 13 January 1937 — Maui Repeals Its Employment Code [ARTICLE]

Maui Repeals Its Employment Code

Maui*s i»>ai\l of suix'rvisors last wci'ls passcHl Su[KTvisoi - K<l. Kalani Ro, V a-s resolution iv]iealing| Resoiution 4, i>asseil Januar,v 3, I'.K],"), relatin£ to i'nJi>]o,y)ncnt of unskilk*d ]ahoivrs omi>loyod on roads an olher puhlii 1 works of tho <u>unt,v, tlu- nuinlK'i' of tla,vs ]H'i' month, fhc ho\irs of laboram! th i minnmnn wa<;e seal«\ It was iiHlicato<l that a now sche<lulo will l»o prosonto(l whon tbc api>ro[>riation Wll is eonsivloixkl. Uuiulor tho risolutnui u lii<h was ro|K'hlo<K workors \vt:iv guarautoo<l 20ila t \ sof oiui>lo.viuont u uionUi, Says tho Star-Bulktin: 1><!o--:©ito King losos no tiino Jn introdueing hōw itt h l bi!l for Hawaii. "\Vhi4t tho imlion noovl< lnow iss;il iT>od Ivmirs m oon^n^.