Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 40, 3 February 1937 — Not Expected U. S. Will Join Sugar Conference Yet [ARTICLE]

Not Expected U. S. Will Join Sugar Conference Yet

(!on<īrc>--iui)al ;i■ 11 !J<U it:os hav«' e,\iwvs-ul tho opiu'on that the UniU'il ,>t;itos j>!'ol>ab],v would not entor the internal ional sugarconferenc( i })ropo>ed by the of Xati(His. Tln\v said it would !.i- mosl at .stich a e<..iife■■runce v to effect interna(ioiuil ooopv-r.it sui"fiei' i nt to-stabiK/.e sugar pro - du<-tioi and i)rice<. Kep. Frod 1).

(■<>]<)., s{)ok<'sni:;n for woslern is<>ct pro<lm't'rs, conjmontod imj inle.i'imlioiiiil «iii-iHMiKīHI woui',l iio-fc holp tho UniUnl Stiitc.'s' contiiicntiil or tcrritoriiil trro\ver.s.

'Tho only \v;!_v un inttTiiationnl agroomcnt coul<l iie. woi'koil out \voul<l lu* i'or iill i)ro<iiU'ing' natioji«? to rcstrict pi'o<lr,ctiun," Cumnnnfrs «;vi<l.

"Xhis wastried without snccoss in ihe p;vst, henee thcre is 110 reason to bvlicve it now \voul<l he sacccssl'ul, mrtic.ularly in ti - o]'ical eane countrics vvhor«- lidK»r is eheup iilid M'gar thc haekln.me <if the iiationV eeonomio systom,"

Cummings said he beHeved sueh an. iigroenient woal.! l)onofit Cuba, but "ccrtainly not lluwaii or Porto liieo, hocau>c t!:ey m:irkot in the l'niu\i SuUcs praeticnlly ull they produee,' iuul any new world price eoukl h ! vrdly exceed tho L'uited. Statos ])rice." 110 sai<l lt was his. opinion practicitliy i\il,contin<flital growi*rs s.ymp;uhi/e wiih the :ulntinistration's niyrkctiny: <iuota" policy, and will supi)Ort its continuanee.

,The volcano ot" Stroniboli, 011 Italy's islan<l of Siciiy, begnn erupting"again. Saturday and has been throwing l:iva and stoiies over a wi<io «rca oi' eultivated fields. Damago so fai% howover, has not been very gTēat.