Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 41, 10 February 1937 — Edward Plans To Marry Wally In Spring [ARTICLE]

Edward Plans To Marry Wally In Spring

p3anB to m«rry Mrs. Wulhoo Wnrfiokl Sii«i>son ApiH 27, o'iihw nt Enfcosfol<l CV.\>t!o or h\ VirnnfU it httS bo<m tlisolostMl Uirongh « tvliablo soivsv(\ Thut tlu> itau v Mrs. Sinuvson'a di>vorro lHM'onu<s fnal. 'l'h® iikfonn»nt tnnt t»o w«iUlingi>ro*w\bly w»H ,w > nt *#teMbwau*> thr wi.nM bc leas than at Vu»nim nn.l thv M DuHe»iV*ist \vatch hh i*nnios " Tho infornn\nt that tho pkt»a rh««p'. tn formed *t\y th«t immMiui mombom«f Oif imrlinmr-nt ;uv «1 •

tr'Tnptmsr to [trcv"t!f of f]jc I)uK( or VViudsor an<l Airs. \Vailis S'.niv SM!S ]ī_v iit!i.r-]i!ilin<r <i] 1} >(»i 1 ii>!i tc ■ thc j»rojM>s<.'<! 2.>,<tUo j>!>un<l.iinuuul a.l!o\v;uiv'i: l'oi' lJj'v- | An ob.serv<T JescribL-(l īiK'Uihei-a" attitude thusl,y: "If-the-Ouko hol<ls to his (loeisi<»n to w<'fl thi> AnK*ric;in woiium ho nuwt MipjjorL lioi* on own furi(Js v* r ithout tho help oi'llu: British treasur.v. ,, Somo lssborite monilx'i\s :is woll as.conservMtivos oppoao un,v "pension" until ī'Mwan! <rivos u[) th<: thovi>rht of marr.ying.