Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 45, 10 March 1937 — Mrs. Beamer Goes To The Mainland [ARTICLE]

Mrs. Beamer Goes To The Mainland

Mrs. P.C of Hilo left WednesUa.v Ifor Honolulu from \vhere sho sailed i rida,v 011 tlu« Aoran<;i for Vaneouver, She willvisit h«M-daujjhtei' iu Washingtoti aiul her sc.n in Oregou aiul then will jgo to Boston to see her youngest <Uughter. Eli/,ulHth i Baby] gra<luate from Lasell Junior eo]lege. Mrs. Beiuner is exjx eteJ to rcturn to Ililo late next fnIL