Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — PLANE MYSTERY [ARTICLE]


HONOLULU, Mui-oh at Ann.y, Navy, Inter-Island anel civilian airports liere, when quest.ioned today, repōrled tliat 110 airplancs were flying from Oahu ovcr thc Hamakua coast Priday night. Thc only possibility suggestcd \vas that it may have becn Young Ling, a Maui flier. Kukaiau ī'aneh rcsidenls reported licarin!;' a plane passinK over to\vord Hilo at 7:25 p. m. Friday, but thc idcntity of ihe plane could not be learned. Bi!ls To Be

Th.' l('gis!;ilive conun*t(ee of.-t.hc eliiiiniKM- ol' eoninuM'eo will liold a lunclir s o[i-nH'< j ting :tl the eliamhei--0.11 i\īouclny. March 15 at noon to (ieeieie on tho. legi.slative issuos whieli a.rc now hc?fore thc . terriloiial lcKiislaturc. Ou l!h> nanie t*vening ;rt: H: 3 0 Atloint,'\ li'win, ehainuan of t.lu? conimu.too, will Uo heai'i.i ip. hU \vcckly broadcast of nc\\rf over station Kinir ilurins lio ch;aulKM comuiimily hōur. Uordon H. H<;ruU)ii, exccutivc scti'ctar> oi iiie ehamhei'. will al.so spc:ak on Uie jirojj;i'ain.