Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — Group in England Buys "Lucky Diamond" [ARTICLE]

Group in England Buys "Lucky Diamond"

LOM>ON--A iy-eanit iliivmond vnlucd ut wh»«-h is suM to Ijc th<- 3u<:kic;d .stonu iti thc woi-M hus heen l»y u in En^!«n(l. Unllkeihe i;imous~~H(Tj>(' <liamond ol' i!]-orucn. whieh i- u green-ish-hh«' eoloe. t.hc ; *lu<-k.\"' iliumond is jo>.v-jiink, It is crcditc<l vvith ihe jio\vt'r oi' wumin# off idhcuith.

When Azon Burburu of l'ui'i ■b;>utfht il 100 i \eurs ho \vus ! -<uffpriii<j i'i-oni iin uj>puivnti.v in- [ eui-uhle .li«<euse 4 Imiaciliutcl.v uf" t< r it_cumc into his hi> hi'ulih iiiijirovcd, an< 1 t,luriny tlu* ni'.\t-Ju .\ears of his iife, he ncvcr hiu! nn illncss. j Sincc thcn if/ hns heen handed down 1 rniu fj«'iieur{īon to generuund il has, al\vaj> s held the saaie ehanu. A short t\nio^ag , o, tho sole sur vivor of the fumll.v soldit

Honolilu, Mureh j3-Si3],K:rv isor rom Cuiiiiinglmin. \v;is toil:i,v cot> /crring \vlth scniitor.s on t'u' 10veuißi reqniremoī)t of th<> Big Lsiami i'or whieh that co\mty is seckin(r :m ad«litional $2T0,u00 for ncco<s:ir.\ c\ih'ihHtuī'o.K^ Senute bill 45. Froykling poliel'! for i>a.rt of thc Bi& Isltuurs needs <.'onies lu>fore the sonate Monda,y for its thinl readin£