Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — TO REACH OAHU [ARTICLE]


HONOLULU. Marcli 13—The USS Louisville today rescued four men and four women passengers aboard the Silver Lārch, completing the transfer within a lialf hour after reaching the burning motorship, Passengcrs who previously transferred to 3ifeboats when the three-day fire began spreading again, will probably be retransferreu to one of the four destroycrs inbonnd to Ilonolulu from the west coast AppnT»enfly re"nmhi! T control of the tire whieh alternately wancd and spread dui'insī the past three aay.s, the SUver Lareh wiriessed "We mtend to pioceed and eonneel wiih ihe USCGC- Tancy and wīth tUp" Tancys attendance hope to tuke tht» vesi»l to Honolulu," "llie Taney is hpeiKling at 20 knots c»ver moeh iale ,m\is etnd expects to eoiUaei ihe Si!ver Uueh at fi;3o p. m. Siutuxlay. rhe hk\p}Ki' of tlie burning f«'mhier wuele«.ed hi« llu\uks 10 Captiun W S Fsirbor. commander o( ilie Loui>vii!e, for piekmg up )>3* ims.sen»i* «•> und conjiratuUtlt\l lii» uu hus seaman,slup for the iu\»ūhty tu the HUilieU\ei, wHhoiH deUilb

.iIONOU'U' M.mh 13 Sui>oi\i,Mir T\niv CunninKhiUH, w>t>. UhUi> ouutfuma vutli ou U.^ mnnn nioni of th«< Ri& I>iwlhi H>l VkUi\U iluU o*uui> MVkiii! .m iUhliUun.il $CTrt.(W ioi sary Soratr t>s!i iī->. }mnidlsni* foi th<- IV.>, ■- On» M-n;ito f*»t i?--thirri iT.*div-i: