Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — GIRLS' GROUP TO VISIT KONA More Than Thirty Members of YWCA Club to Aid Installation of Kona Club [ARTICLE]


More Than Thirty Members of YWCA Club to Aid Installation of Kona Club

..īoro ilian :;o mornboi-s of the ph'le' tlub oi' t!io YWCA v. iil Salui<lay ior Kon:i whei'e i '»'>• wiH tako part iu the installnn:m 0t..-Uic .iU'*Aoi'gaiu2ed club th<; i'o. ■ i'ii" Kohu < lnl> īHKiei; the ausp.i .js of tiu' isi;uul Y\YCA has be.en >ery act|ve ihe past f<j\v 'fūe mcmb(-rs a&siated itli «.Ja- <hsuiet lair 6Honsored by the Lioiih < nib anil woa a number of l'il.'llOilo. Louist' KeUey, Y\VCA secretary, v lU avcosiii>»ny the clnb inenibers aaa.-\inh the. YWCA eouneii of Kona will assist \\itlt ihe recoguition set vice. Foljo\vins the meeting the e'iuh members \sill attend the hol«!;u ball gi\en by the Kona olub. -viembeis going from Hilo inoiude: R}ij;a Pemieia Ba-1-ei-. liene Silva. Huberta Rell, Mabel. Chong, Eiiza Aktum, Alioe Frendo, Charlotte Akiua. Keahiloa l'ia.uu. Wilholniīna Hraun. Elizaboth Kllis, Holen \\>ssel. Agnes li-'.uanio, Josephino Kamau, Rebecim W oug, Yiolet jMills. Agnes Kav, rmoto. Ewalani Peters, Agnes Ar.akalea. Annie Iloopiiaina, Emuia -\:oniz, Auna Aga\ya, Louise MaehaM Mo>vos-. Noh:;-:! Yiulet Ha;l,;:!uk> - Lois Koliikuloa. Anna lLiriivu I>rown. Wonoaah i\;vi. Yictoria Low, Mrs. Yapp, Lily i'.uiaiia. r»laiy Ann Low.