Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — Sale Of Hawaiian, Coins Irks Island Collectors [ARTICLE]

Sale Of Hawaiian, Coins Irks Island Collectors

īn'Jividna] eoin folloctors rosi* in prOtcst y('stcr(i:iy over t.bc rc 1 ort U eabt r. r WC had soid at facc va]ue $2tj.50 worth ofl King h-alaki.ua quartcrs mintO(l in the Jast of tlH* mor.ard),y coint> i" oi'i'ieial drculation. ' Thc inon<«.v līa(l "t>ccn in tlio H ' tjvHsury for many ,y<(ars, p?'obab]yj since :'t \vas received f I*olll the, mint. an<l had been heM as cashj 011 hau<l. T L'cusuro McGonagle^

( f «Onvortc'(l it into l r gal ten('k'r whon ho tradoxl it for r»o :| Ue exp'aine<.l yesterday he had I le an attefrptto disposo of the twO yoars ago but had Ikk'īi Jable to sdl only a few at 35 cent,s e īeh. Hs was surpri ised _ a.t th_e. [eaction tie rec2nt sale caused. * 4 0ne man stopp<īd ine 011 the treet," ho said. ' 4 an<l effered to pell me somt» more old Ilawaiian jc»ins at face value. We never hid any demand for the quartcrs v