Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — Mayors Sets Rates For Scenic Rides [ARTICLE]

Mayors Sets Rates For Scenic Rides

Ma.yor FmV Wrip:ht yo«tftrday approved an onlinauee the iiiaximum fare!s to be poniiitte<J for scenic aaiomohile <.lrives on Oahu. The otdinancc provide for a $oUO fine or six months inipnsonment for violations, The aeaximum rates for seven passenger cars is $35 for the trip around the islund via Koko Head, thf sant<' trio via the Pali. ArouPd tho Pa-H'. :vi&Ljkjakn'$14, Waiiiki to the Pali $t>, and Honolulu to the Pali $4* For five .i'VBssengor cars the raaximu» rates for the respective trips are $20, $9- $."> and $3 50. :