Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — NATIVE SONS ARE PLANNING OUTING Initiation, Hukilau and Luau to Be Held At Kaalualu On Monday, May 31 [ARTICLE]


Initiation, Hukilau and Luau to Be Held At Kaalualu On Monday, May 31

All JpBans for the Native Sons' initiatiVn, hukilau and luau at Kaalualu. near Soiith Pōint. Kau. ori Monday, May 31, are being perfected, it was feported today. "Hie Kau members, headed by George Kawaha, deputy sheriff of Kau. Alvin Carter, Judge Walter Haysclden, Rcp, Robert Wilhelm and Beke Bob, have reported that cverything has been arranc:ed for and that iho Kau members are ready for all the visiting brothers and their wives or sweethearts. judge Thomas Haae of Kpna is bringing a larg e deh'gation from Kona. August Moniz is a!so brmging a large delegation from Kohala. Deputy Sheriff George Tucker is heading a group of fishormcn from Puna to help in the hukilau. Jarob Victor is heading the Hilo flshermen.

The Hale Hui Committ« c is urging all mrmbors to make tholr rei servatiQns.smce no rrscrvat ions wil!j I mean no knukau, This resirlction | | ls very iieeessary becausc most of the food stuff, refreshm*nUs and | utensih nmst be transported to Kaalualu. Por reservattons members are asked to contact Herbcrt Taketa of the Bishop National bank or William G. Aiona or the Hilo land offlce. i Mns?s Ahunn of the Hawail Con- < soiidated Rai!wuy Ud will h«ndl<all foods and rerreshment.s, AHred Jacinth wiU handle all transporUtion. Members are lnstructed to contact him SmmodiatpjY. AH offlrers and hoads of eammitU>es will 1 mpct at thr board of supprvisors i roomss Ts>ursd!iy e\vning: «t 7 30 | lo ?>erfprt »11 d«'tail?i for tht inttiai lion of new me»vibers

TW H«lp Hui eommiuop bĪso anthw> wii' n\:\ny M'.l'pilM' !\t thl< Ul.Vi! Tnu:' ( v >. froiv. .'arh ds c !vtH w\U be rrjiro^rn',rd j By inducm£ men to 'i Hown !isui triUning youug men in M hm!cH- thr nnniiw of 1 ram{vr. m Irnr?.»n»l l*-mR drrn»fts»!sl, rtnmi S*v *\.!vV\ \V?mdl Xltri>ter nr .1 ī^>