Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 40, 9 February 1938 — TENTATIVE AGREEMENT IS REACHED Inter-Island to Recognize Union as 'A' Bargaining Agency Under Agreement Union Must Immediately Reman Ships Now Tied Up, Ratification Expected [ARTICLE]


Inter-Island to Recognize Union as 'A' Bargaining Agency Under Agreement

Union Must Immediately Reman Ships Now Tied Up, Ratification Expected

Honoluiu, Feb. B—Prospective end of the Inter-Island stnke was seen tbis. afternoon with a tentative agreement reachēd between members of the Inlana EoaUmen's union andf . Inter-lsiand and officia!s whieh must be ratified by eompany executives and the union membership.

It provides for recognition of the union as "a" bargaining agency t and the immediate remaning of the three ships now tied np.

Ratificaiion is expected this afternoon. James CooFey, head tfce union, said the NLRB is sending a man here to investigate the situation. li ki expected the three ships now tied ap ean he dispatched this eveninf, although the schednle is not ava3ahle.

HONOLULU, Feb. B—The Inter-Island strike atalemate continued today a,s representatives of the Inland. Boatmen's Union met at 11 a t m. today reportedly to consider wliether to schedule ,another meeting . with Inter-Island Steam Navigatioh Co. officials.

The company said that 28 of the original.cre\v of 44 on the Humuula sailed the ship to Lanai and West Hawaii last night at 6:15 while James _ Cooley, unlon head. clalmed that 14 of the original crew sailed the ship, and that the remainder of the crew was made up of special recruits.

A two-and-a-haiī-nour pailey l>ctween unioh and company represeutatives was fruUless j'ostorday afternoon. A hopeless deadlock appareatly developed when both pavties agreēd to collective bargāmhig. then differed over thc extent to whieh the roco£,!U? ion »houid extend.

JiUei'lsland officiab to rocogime the tnland F>oaimonV union as bargainii\g agent for thoso etnpk>yos alreadv membors of Iho union oi- those who may soloci thc union «s representatīvo for thom

The Inland union iie|{otiatinjg eommiUee held out fo>r ooilective bargaining i<vogn;tion from the con\p»n\> th,o only W demahd«d beforo meu woutd ! an# satl s&?|vs

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