Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 24, 12 October 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT TiiE PALACE TiIEATBE T(xlay. last tiiue You Sūm<?rs" wllh Biiig Coi"sby and Frd MqcMurray Tomorrow and FrJduy "I Am Tlie Law" \v!ih IMwanl G. Kobinson SKturday only "Treasure Islam1" wsi]i Wal-la<-c Hoerv ;vnd Javkio Coo}>cr Sumlay and >londiy "*Marie AnloineUe" witli Nornia Shearer ;mti Tyrone i*ower Tuesday and "\Vednestiay, uext week "iiateway" with lK>n Amēelie and Arleen Wlielan AT TilE EMI'iUE TUEATRE T<Hiay aud U>morroATJife Of A C.orīl]a" of the Junjries l l, nday aml Saturday Agila" wiih Luelia iroyena Sun<lay an<i Mouda> "Maii of the Carih bean" a spet jal sea phture "iknxier Wo3\tt>" u irh Bob lJakev Tuesday o«IJ "Four Men Ano A Prayer' wilh L*uet!a You»»g :uui Kol»ert lilWlie