Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 27, 2 November 1938 — SONS OF LEGION PLAN ELECTION Annual Election of Officers Is Slated to Take Place Thursday Evening [ARTICLE]


Annual Election of Officers Is Slated to Take Place Thursday Evening

The annual election of officers of īīilo Sciuadron No. 3. Sons of the Americān Legion, will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 at the Hilo armorv. -i' At" the iast regular meeting ln October, a nominat!ng committec, ; oonsisting of Comrades Paul K. Tallett, Yuji Yamashita and William -NaUianiel, was appointed to nominate candidates for the' different offices. They will submit their report at the coming meeting. Further nominations made from the floor will be included in the re- ! port before an eleelion by secret ba!lot takes plaee. īnstallation of ilie newiy-elocted officers will take plaee at the l)ecember meeting of the squadron.

The loeal «nit of the Sons of ttie was organizea oh George ■Was-hington's Rirtliday, Fetiura!'y 22, l ;>oS. II is one of five such organizatlatis hi Uie terr\lrtry a«4 at present ī_, the largest \vlth over 125 members.

AIl mēmbers are as"ked to attrad thia important meeting. NeW cāndidat.es wtio are eī!gible for membersliip euu get applKallon c!ird« nt tho eominp: meeting.