Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 30, 23 November 1938 — We Have Much. To Be Thankful For--- [ARTICLE]

We Have Much. To Be Thankful For---

but th,ings could be a lot better for Ka Hoku O Hawaii if we nad the right sort of co-operation from a lot of the people in whose interests this newspaper is published. On this most important occasion we want to exj)ress our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have made the publication of this nevvspaper possible. For instance, the territorial land office, the politicians, the merchants and business houses of Hilo and Honolulu, the numerous haole friends who have eome to our assistance from timc to time and the loyal Hawaiian ānd part Hawaiian people who backed us to the best of their resources, as well as the help we have received from eitizens of Japanese< Chinese, Portuguese and other racial ancestry. Ka Hoku O Hawaii has had more or less of a pros,perous year and has succeeded in paying its way very nicely, although not quite ,; out of the red" yet. It is with regret, however, that we are forced to eall attention to the fact that a large per centoge of the peo-' ple Hawaiian blood have taken no interēst in it whatsoever. Sonie of them act as though they were ashamed of th£ir Hawaiian background. lt is still more regretable that some of the officers, directors and stockholders of tho company have failed to turn a hand to help promote this worthv enterprise. For vears thev have done nothing to help out, either editorially br otherwise. [Some of the largest stockholders even refuse to pav their subscription. ;

Many others bke to read the paper ; and 4 ho3ler their heads off" if they miss a singlc eipy, yet, when they arc sent a bill for their subscription they either make an ;nvful fuss about it or else treat it with utter eontempt. For the information of siieh people, \ve wish to make it Iplain that this is not a money-making institution. It is an enterprise that is being kept alive in order that the HaIwaiian people may have a mouthpiece to ehampion ltheir cause # and at the same time preserve one of the •most beautiful ignguages'in the world. Have the. Ha\vaiians as a whole lost their racial pride? We sincerely hope not, but we have reason to believe that some of them do not give a hoot. If the Japanese ean support seA r eral big newspapers throughout the territory ; and other races support at least one ōr two ne\vspapers of their own, it is otily reasonablc to expect that the Ha waiian people ean support and maintain one ne\vspaper, Ka Hoku employs three people steadily on full time rmd six more on part lime, all of whieh, \vith the exception of two are Ha\vaiians or part Hawaiians. Our treasurer has worked faithfully for two years, and given a lot of his time, for whieh he has received no remuneration in return for his services. He does it because he is not onlv proud of his Hawaiian ancestry but because he is ever-ready to help anything along that will benef»t the people of the Hawaiian race. In conclusion \ve also want it understv>od that The Hiio Tribune llerald is entitled to special meinum m connection \vith the publication of Ka Hoku O Hawaii The Tribune Herald has given us every cooperation possible and has never yet failed us in an emergency, for (whieh \ve are very grateful and appeeoalne. AVithout its help this ne\\spaper wouki have 1 ong sincc gone thc way of all other Hawaiian Umguage ne\vspapers. 'i omorrow will be Thanksgiving Day, We have mueh to he thankful ft>r and we take this opportun>ty of e\pressing our apprcciation to all who have helped us along the uneenain road to journalistic >uccess. AU \ve need is more cooperation from those whi> are m a po>ition to help but wh\> have failed to do so in tbc pa>t. !We are living in hopes that we will gct st bcf»>rc \u* |reach anocher Thank>giving that \sc will en jabicd to uuke ihe nccessary impro\cmeius \sc ouuem plaie in ordcr to produce a bcttcr ncv\spapci, wiihouī the necessity of having 10 go before thc nc\t tcrrUorsal lcgislature and a<ik for financi.it assi?tance t whieh msght be diff»cult to obtain, Yes, in spite of numero\.js hamlieap*. Ka l!«*ku O !!a waii has mueh to bc th«nkful for.