Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 31, 30 November 1938 — SCHOOL BUDGET EXPECTED TO BE $800,000 MORE Sharp Rise Is Due to Anticipated Gain of About 2000 Students [ARTICLE]


Sharp Rise Is Due to Anticipated Gain of About 2000 Students

HONOLULU, Nov. 29—The department of public instruction is submitting a budget demand for the next biennium $800,000 greater than its current budget, it was learnedi from a reliable capitol source. ] The increase would bring the ter- ' ritcffial schools' budget fcr the riext biennial period to about $12,688.000. contrasting with the present figure of $11,888,193. This sharp rise in fiscal demands of the territory's schools is caused by the anticipated increßse of 2 000 &tudents and the shift in students from elementary schools to secondary institutions. "Wave" Hits Upper Grades This shift is evidence of an increasing school "population" in tho upper grades. The enrollment in the lower grades does not show so subsfcantial an lncrease, "What has happened, according to sehool authorlties is that the "wave" of school mcrease whieh struck t,he flrst grades about 10 years ago is now passing on througli the higher grades. It is anticipated that school enrollment will be stabilized, with a slight increase thereafter, about 1942 or 1943. Meanwhile school needs are growing substantiallv. N r eed 60 More Teaehers. The increase in students in the lowest grades and in transfer of a large group to the secondary elassification would entail the employment of at least 60 more teachers, many of whom it would be necessary to pay larger salaries because of ttieir work in teaching advanced students. The budget itself would be broken down into two parts, the general school budget, whieh includes supplies, equipment and office expenses. and the teachers salarv fund, mentioned above. | The latter will be based on De-| cember enrollment figures wliieli are not avatlable until January. Not Under Govemor The eehool budget, although it will be submitted to Budget Director James Lloyd and included in his report to Governor Joseph B. Poindexter, does not eome under the goyernōr's supervisiori.