Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 32, 7 December 1938 — Highlights Of Senator's Talk [ARTICLE]

Highlights Of Senator's Talk

W. 11. iDoc} Hill said Monday he was in fuvor of: I—Abclition of welfare drives and an inn'roased gross ineouie tax tu mret th; s nocdb of social agent'ies. 2-*—An inrrfasfd aj>f>ro{>r (ion for Puumaile Ilome. S—ComjiuL>ory V i nu n md ttth»rrco!osis tests for pen.jns !»lanning; marriag»\ līe sald he was againsi; l-*-The personal proporty iax. - —Tho one Ua]f ot ono per eent Uiiemploymenl tu\. ?»—Compulsorj s(eriliiatioa.

Regardsng he credited Sen. Sarah Todd Cunningham as being "the father or the mother of the home last year " «*I believe she is interested in additional appropriations and X am . . ; I don't believe there could possibly be a legislator from this or any other island who \vould oppose an appropriation to complete Puumaile Home." Mr. Hill said that prevention of blindness more of a medical problem than anything else." | Asked about compulsory Wasser- | m«.u and tuberculosis "tests for per- ' sons abcut io be marricd. he ticclarod: "Without any qviesiion, we should have definite legislation to require theso tcst-?. I am very mueh in favor oi strict legislation in this r<?gard." He said he could not say wheihei* compulsory pub3ic liability insūranee ior public carriers would Ihe legis3ature. Liquor laws, he stat«d. "are all balled up." He said he felt some act.ion wouW be iaken, but that "we'll have to get niore chairs for t-he iobbyists to eome and warm i their feet."' If a government dontal legisla-tu-n t\>mes up, this island "will ī iiet us shart\" he assured the rep- ; rescMaiivos of the various Big If- , lar.d sccial asencies and their guests. ! Sen. Cunningham spoke brieflj-, but declined to comraent on possible legislation for the,reason that ; • I an; nere to listen and learn." } Ralph G. Cole, general secretary i cf thc Honolulu YMCA. said īha: a. froui Friaa> T U\e iegisiauve committees of 10 Honolulu social a«eopies wiU meet to discuss tuture tegisl&tion. Matters to be consid-i eixid, he said, wiil be īegislatiou ; conccinuig mentAl healtiu race tracks aud gainblitig, iiquor laws, labor legislatiou, education t greater efficiency in rourts. fcu;?ness matters and sccial security an<i puhlie welfare. Ernest Lilley. presīdent of the (eouneil. presksed over the meetingj t whieh was attended by &bout 501 | persons. Guests besides Mr. Hiui |and Sen. Cimnmgham iacluded | Representati\-e s -elect Ai|)er» Kinni- j (ra and Henry L&i Hipp and Super- ! i vtsor August s Costa. _ ]