Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 33, 14 December 1938 — KAULUKUKUIS SOUGHT FOR GAMES HERE Kaulukukuis Will Appear In Hilo Next Month If Arrangements Materialize [ARTICLE]


Kaulukukuis Will Appear In Hilo Next Month If Arrangements Materialize

J Jf arraHpr<«tiKHits inateriali2e, Hiio ians wiil sce the Kaulukukui brot!iers, līilo".s famoils athietie brothers, in action lvere next |niont!i against Hilo s<?nior basketI ball ]eaguo teanis. ! An invitation for the Kaulukiīkui brotbers, who are presentlv in Honoluhi, to perform liere next monlh will be sent today by S. H. Chang. secretary of Oie Hllo senior basketball league, to Tommy Kauhikukui, wlio is in charge of the Kanlukukui brotlu'rs.

The iuvttatiou 1 ii ai ver to a letter from Tonimj\ aakiui: for Aamea hort\ for eompeUUou last your, (lie Kaulukukui bro(hers — H«l)or(. Cliarl<?B, Toumiy, Eddie. -100 ati<l James, etiJoyed a su*.cessfu! season last year ia Honolulu. Acoordius to word receivt j d tl>e Kaulukukuis x)laa to aug-

nn:n their suuad \vi?h AU CUt?w (.;oo ;uid Tlu)iuas l\niro. exllilo hish i»la,v<rs. ir nrransfments £or iliU) gsimcs are succcs£tully eompk'liā. Oificials of llie llilo seuior case It?a&v.e went gu nxoid at a meei-! ius afteruo<.)u ia lavor! „uf i!iyiiias Uie Kaulukukiii bco-j iher>. !