Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 33, 14 December 1938 — JEWS WILL PAY CASH THURSDAY [ARTICLE]


BERLIN. Dec. l;l-~Jews are assembiing casb tor ibo t'irt>t oi' fonr instaHmeut3 on the hillion mark fine due on Thursday. | The sroverniiit>iit demanded cash jl ! or tlie firtii i>ayment. oo»sequent!iy the banks aw prepared for mueh aetivity <turing the nest two I d»ys. The Rovemment aj>parentlv jrtvor eptini;iied Ihe .Knvs" ability to , raisc ; -si>,',iuoahk) murks wiUnn !thrce "«i-eekp. a !nter provijsion that m a numl)er of cases iiHil <i>state and se<mritics woul^ flw ;iccepte(s, The ministry of dcclaring that it is t>eces?ary to prevent the flifht of eapilal, issucd a decree forbidding Gcrman or; stateless Jews. leaving Germanv | after January i, from takitig any! objects except tho.se nccessary for! strictly personal use. I The decree also restricts Uie; j rlghts of non-Jewish Germaiis, and I jeven foreign residenti. to remove | I propt-rty from the Reich,