Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 36, 4 January 1939 — Recalling a Story Of Queen Emma [ARTICLE]

Recalling a Story Of Queen Emma

1 'i'he .U'ih anmveisary of Senatoi-| eieel c>> ot P. Cooke as of ! iJiy Molokai Ka'uili Co. wa?, the oecasion for a gala celebraiion at Mr. and JVirs. Cooke's plaee at Kauluwai 1 eeeli(ly. Under a large lem ereeted oli the leunia courr a huge luau was servod. More tlutn,"SUp persous. iiK'luding employes an<i tbeir families, sat a rouud iour long iables decoratetl wiiii uopieal liowers and ferns. Gen:it P, Judcl IH. asrtis-taut uianagev ol i.ho rant'h. was iu oi' fhe iuau. lu liehall' oi' "ihe eiuployes of the I raucb, James M.'Hill, eashier, ex- | tended congTatulations to Mr. Oooke ; and presi uted a silver rase a& a ! gift. Mr, Cooke said that he and ! Mrs. Cooke enjoyed living on Molo- ■ kai, that tliev have grown up witli I tlie island, have watehed it grow and i'elt Uiat it was only fitting that t)iey should ce!ebrato the event. j jolm V. R. Kluegel, direcior ol' the | Molokai Commuuity Center, Ino.. j presented Mr. Cooke, who is presi-; dent of the center. with a lealher I desk set as a pifl from the eommuni- i ty eenw sta£f. A group of entertaiueri furntshed > Hawalian musk and lnila dances during the luau. The history of Molokai itself dates back to 1897 when'a hul inolndinp j A. S. Hartwell, A. \V. Carter, W. R. !fa tlt ai I J. B. Castle purchased <>00 aeres of lana from the Bishoy "!estate for $150,000 In fee simp!e. : With an additioual 30.000 aores of : iand leased from the govornment. ' the Molokai Ranch was Btarted. J Stock raising *as tho chief euterpris&, 1 J.ust before annexation in 18!»S. I ihe Amei'iean Co was iorm- | ed. The incorporators were Alired H. Haūwell, Alfred S. Carīer, Charles M. Cooke, George H. Robertson J and George R. Carter. The compan> ! aa» the i>ossjbilities oC a su£rar ■ tilantation and operatioiis began. Tlie wharf and mole at Kaunaka-' kai, whieh are still in use, were | Started by this eompany A railmad I was built fi'om th<> end of tho mole through Palaau to the Hoolehua flats. A mill was hrought and the j machiuery landed at Kaunakakai Wells were dug 5n lhf low!and*' aud water pumped by sleam pump? 1 ii, ihe ilitches above. t.aad totaHngj 750 acres was cleared and of this | 500 was planted in eane. ; ' \Vhat happened after thls is vi- ] vidly portrayed in the records or; | the rnUed States geological s\;rvey. | The sah content of the well water > gradually increased as operations 1 continued until one by one īhe wells | had to be abandoned. Search fōr j water ouly oonfiruied the hopless J ness of the situation and the wholo ! project was ahandoned. ' After this disappointing experi ' enee the Molokai ranch concentrai-! ed its efforts on the raisinp of heef ■ cat<īe, sheep and I«ter the cnlture ol houey. Records show that no . cattle were on the island in j and in there weie only 200 j head, IJRter King Kamehanaelia V ; iīnportēd a herd of Longhoru cattle ! < 1« thlrty-five Devon bull? . v., re introduced into the Molokai ; j rasclt herd. Het*ford bnl!s hav.- ' u...-n us< d pinee 1923 and toda> the ! . .t->'r v. ; īi< t-< ford. j v w,.r. iiiMi.ilm. <1 en Molo ' » :a i i o n« The Moiokni ! iiuiu h shearing count >-ho«s thitt ' f the ranoh owtied 15.*00 in »nd ' >:>•<<!, in 1917- TW« bus!nefts e:iv. ■' ' v rr- 'e Ibe nioi e profttable e?itile' iiodusuy and <stowly dwludled untHJ ' tO'lnv tl\ere a«> only »hf*ep r«' j muiuiUi* ! ' Tl»e horiey busine?i.s of the MeU» ' knl ranoh h«s lH>?n gradually ii> 1 . t, a-, il mii.l 1t f»oasts th»« l*rp»»i«i < me:u> Ip th«' Wrt»'ld with ! bives su'attered lhstJUgho\it ihe ki I s»wi> rovered lowlsuds. Tbl* huei ' ni'KH I»as ht < n csrrle<! on for ihe' ' pasl ?*• ve:ir«i au<l h«# vtetde»l a- : hiip>i «< ??1 \H»i> WOHh of hori' v n ' ! year I I Mr. Cook» bw*tuo tnansper of th. | 'ikih K nn TV'oember 5. Thr < 1 ranrh 1* prond of hl# reoni"d snd *1 ■ \ «o u pmt4 to eUlm » Jo»g of 1 hnal omplo>es w*<ose ' • m«r* th*n ymr* e*rh tn «r\.inl >,nsti.n«'ei» ' 1 The oM»«l <ninplo\e i? M»tsUrl : whrt pul 1n 5$ Vpar« of »rrvt«v ! wnh the r«»ieh Thtw ' * hle rehhralion wa» M»rHl 1H tior,ōr »<i hl* W waT« ' w*k mneH Tho*e of WAM« Ihttt W,U. tht ».H»«V I». ** vrir<> Ja>hn KMp*. fr M year« *«* *i»> j nieml ,I.var> ?1 yrarn> Olhrr $*«} ftor»vn*. Tt wsr« f Tt< ' Mp*» ■» rn'*<» *' 1 \m mt**m i

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