Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 36, 4 January 1939 — NEW YAMAMOTO STORE IS OPENED [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


i iJ»e uew s.tore oL- Y. i Civdu Jewelers. Tipeiied 1- ridaj iu ■ tue i'eceuiiy coiiiplete<i Cauurio | ouilUnig, ;<Ujomiiig tliv uew Staudj ai'U i »iug C<'.V st<n'e. lt is uniyue J (iy re.isou ot the fiict th:tl goods j wiii be s,ui.i oii credu w iiit uie:iailn»eni tenus wiihoui imerest or e.vt i'ii earryiug eharges. i llie new siore is owned by Yoieln lauianioio. wlu» suirteii liis tirst store ou Kilaueii avenue iu . H>27 iiiiii has ni-ule a eompieie sue- j <ess of it. A brother, l(tehnrd K. i.'ammuoio, is asso<'itited wiih hliu. l.«th y<»uii}r luen ure i;raduates of īiilo schools. Voi<'hi \'anuuuoto was boru in | Hito but s?pent ten yeurs iu Japan. j lle ivturued to Hilo ut the nge of 14 an<l entered t)ie employ of the j J. Moriuioto Jewelry store on Ka- ! niehaineha aveuue, \vhere lie learn- ] ! e<l wateh repairiug atid the jewelry ! I business an<l proved to be an ex j | w!le-iM salesmau, AHe r 13 years ! \ wlth tlie Moriiuoto store, Jlr. Tn- ! ! n»an»oto staried his 'owu j |ou Kilauea ai enue, in 1927 How j ! well his btisiiiess htis sueceeded has j ! b<H>n proveu in tbe estitbHshtuent j ' of liis seeond aml larger store, ' j Mr Yamamt>t<. says be wishes to ! take tbis opportunity to thank āU ! his eustoiners f<»r thelr past patroI najre. "Throush their eooperation,*' ! )ie s;tid, "I lutve ?>eeu at»le to open ! ! this- new bratu h store whleh 1 hope 1 ] wlll prove ix»{utlar with the Hllo' ; pubUc." | j Everj thīny ln the way of lewel- ' ry, silverware and novelties is ear ! ! ried in their stook by the new Ya j ■mamoto Credtt Jewe!ers whieli is a ! !iraueh of the T. Yainainoto store ! Kihiuea Ave, * Tf U is it< the line of rirtgs, the ! srore lias lovely B!ue River dtaj mond arid r?ng ensetobles| I whieh iiuiuUe t»oib tbe weddlu£ aij.d: ens;;i£e'iietit riiij;!,. There are a!soj j vj.lual>k' blro>stuhe rings u> 3iiUsCyj r iiiyone' S deslre, , Loo.se diaii>onds are atso 'uehi'l j <*d iu their stoek for those wlio wis!i I to have lhetr rings res*et. j , ln ti.e wuy of watehes tlie Taiua-; jiu<.i<i store lia.- ali of Ihe Seadin£' i brai»ds, !iieluding the HaiuiUon. F1 ! .iim. P.ulow aud Wahhaui iu . !,.do s' ar.4 u*eu's ; ■V for silver<vnre, tbey eam i i>uuuuiml> P»iue aud tl»e. , U«»Kers. Ther<* arv also ihe , •-.>,!< « \vu«v ijipe of :>Uver, whuli i»UteJ>, «sm! vliroftiluui" wuiv, | i lu eio< kK they ha\e both ihe Te iii«i Wesldox eieetric aiul, l » il.Uie <iiK-Ks, V<iisiie Jiells UUvl pen 5 j *Us inade b,\ l'arket aud PUol are I .ms.i iu stock. tv. kiail ' brsioeWt.*, neek'a , «'s luanieune set&, eOU:p«et¥, <l<s- ■ tri< <dißver«. ltonv»ii el«»ret tight ( ■ er* aud <*<»Uil> aud brtiKh *<?;»,' J"<iet dtv««*vr in atx\ Kvill»er' . wwllH*. aiid nove?tie> an- "Uo c«r : . r»e4, ] wi»«» «re iun-reMei3 ii. tre ( , i4ne*. «»ked lo e#,U iti at tbb . , *>!♦.»v M«ee a vii m\ Ht»e <.f t(\)f)hie*. *il«*» earrled .