Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 42, 15 February 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Ou u i'pooui i'uOio broadcast si>oiisomi by lliU" l'osi No. 3 Auiei'Kau VH-e-rresHU?ui liai'oiil \Varut r niiHH.eni.ly referred lo Coininun«lt?r .) aek s>. IlickarU a.s *"Jaclc !S " C"!i!!u;iud<;'r Kickar<i ls \voudfring it lir īiioaiu H tUe way it »oiiude(L Tom Mocney has registered as 3 Democrat rn San Francisco. But we don't be!ieve that has anything to do with so many Democrats switehing over to the GOPTRAFFIC PILIKIA 'l'inM'e iie viis" And roundly cnsses While trying to pass A hundrc(l lms.ses, ; ~ A mirror recently produced wiil enable you to see yourself as others see you. We ean safe. Iy predict that there wili be very littfe demand for it. REMEDY FOR SEASICKNESS

l'o kwp a Seotrlmian from getting seasieli tu> Jiis hands and pat a penuy bet\veen his ieetli. With the exception of the grape, the hanana has the greatest food vatue of any eommon fruit, aecording to a new»paper story . It is also exceptiona!ty vaJuaWe for Bupplying a certain popular brand °f oil, used extensivejy by politicians, N«wl.v op(Mied līilo store gave awu; if»- (i-.-ani all day Satur. da.v. Out> St-oti lui>«n oame all fhe vray fßoiu Kona. Gosh, we bet when yoy flrst Took a look at these lines You thought that This was a limmerick # eh? ENCORE, MADAMOISELLE

Tli*' iNii'inuii lNland swiuim!og M*«s«n is .»in:*n Stn'nnv the <>fri« v f vwtti». «tys she ls ««'iliU tn ilei* sW«»»"'liv tea«'h !te»- io nwUi) ))(t»in. QUIZ KORNER Dear Koko-Nuts: What is the different« between shii?inQs prnci< I—Subsctber. You ean waik tfown the str*et without «hiMings. Slu»tt«': Ak silly hs a rts y«'!tr <.]<l jr ;) \tn»y rryln« !o uct !IVp a Jltierlnn:. . LIFE'S OARKEST MOMENT When you J»r* hurrylng *tong in your c«r on 4 mrrow roatf «nd you mwt another car comlng • n th« opposite dir«ctlon just ** you attempt to pass hatf * «fe*en kids on bicyctes 'Oui 011 tl»> Sit« pmv Joe MrKnight: !Itt onn t w»rk ih<* "i il.lt IUHi"» '«li flti- ttaht »ou«pg«s SAM SAVS,

"An «9h« U tht b«tjr ean » wwm &ut of i«*t word." Htr» k ain»nn«s U«- »u «R<-lr xs), - - , ! ( y r I i ! . I . ' . $¥»3W* whlW' Vīi«vni.K H. Ui« fa !; wliy m, 'i

astrological FORECAST Criticism of the ways in v»t»ich our money matters are adminl#tered v«lilf be found on every hand. That's a forecast we ean rely on, especially after the le§is!a._ ture gets under way. A L>asebail cxpcrt is a niān wlio >an prodift on Monday the wiiiner of the «anie that was played f.t Uooluhi parlv on S«nday afternoon.

Pity the poor tax payer, Most unlucky bloke, " His purse is quite empty 'Cause tax keeps him broke EGGS-ACTLY, WANDA

Wamia WatTloiron suy> the lay

ing of nw egg just iiuporti.nt as thp layinsr of a t arpet and thP !uss inaūe t»v«-r t'UluT nhoul Kentucky squire has married over 6,000 couples—and not one of them has returned to take revenge on him. CliOO>"El£ SOCKS MAN—News i.mper lieadline. Tlus woul'l be more interesting to iaost of us if it read the oUiei" wuy arouud—Mau Sooks Croouer, The govemor 1$ tearing hi« hatr to find some new tax to get additional rev*nue for the territory, Why not put a tax on sociat security eards?

V. A. Carvulli«> may not M a young uian, but we t-ee no wliy a loeul daīly sliould pul \vliis kers oti hiui.

Man in Marshall, Texas, paid his taxes with pennies. With taxes so hiflh these dayc he wat lueky to hav« saved enough pennlea to pay them.

Mayb« those Irishmen who liavo been tosslng bombs around Eoc;land so canelesslj lately are only pi act! < ing to eetebrate St Pi tri<l* >. day,

TH« trouble wUh lome of thOM Kona hot«U is that it is so easy t© mistake your room for a tetephone tooth.

arf now helug out of i»'«at*s \thiskejrs. Well, the sniell !«hoaM he strons to l»o1d (he wrand# tog#ther.

*rid th»re'» the room Steward on the Walaleale v**o n»QhKt<d to mak« up « herth for * B«g U tang s«nator, b*cau«« ht tfc«usM •v*ry peiUieian made up hi« own hunk. BUCL-tTtN i huvt> haM a« Ufo !»n*l h.-»w njn>'h ii nolhliii!." <*ite of !hr w««itlWt»st m«*n.

OOLOIN GATE FORCED •ACK—New«»«per h«adiin«. t*r«babty ju»t somehod> Itom Miwan uy(nft to hM*k inla h«a WNI. Tht* weelE'* fsWe; Th* le«rLsla

im* wUi «i |xitt<y of thoj «rt«Kes| e«ottttK£ Ui|s ! i>Ni: OF THK WOKST TUINOS; A!IOCT SCNPAV IS TH\r 11 }S: AI.W,\YS FOI,LOWKD ĪIY MON. , DAY MORMNti.