Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 45, 8 March 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Wlu'ilK'i' i!'s p.-tn of h.is trai.uing or uot. snhlier in Hawaii ls in for ;i Miir»;h. Page Ripley. Young Puek of Waipio valley is only 72 year» otd. He must be a relative of Look Voung of Honolulu who is only 85. w a: ii»ug us the Si»a»'!sli war eonliuueU <;t.'in.*nilif»siiin.i Kraiieifco 'Fr»mco wsis ;it least j:ure of a job. Out on the desert Sits poor Flossie Bings; She struck a deep rut And broke all her springs. BULLETIN •'ll' Ihe teri l itory pnts an«>ther tax nn <-lgarettes, .1 um going to .juii eiilii'eli." j 1939 Simile: As nonchalant as j a woman facing a tnouse. j OUR BEST SCOTCH ' Hert»"s one alx>ui a Sci>tchnian. \vli<jse \vite wanii'u to the Ol'lii. —so he hought Jier a niap. And there's the Hilo woman who has a husband that is so dumb that when she setit him out to buy a nut-cracker he eame back with a rol!ing pin. 1939 FaL>le: Onee upon a tiuie there a busiiiess man who made out hisi iiu-ome tax report without any help. SHĒ'S IN THE BIG TOWN

The office is so qu»et, LīttJe Streamllnes is away; She's at the Lea«stature Earning sev«n bucks a day.

That \vat?H't an earthquake that cHus*'d ali that rvuubliiis Last Saiurday nij;ht. It \vas only a jitterbug oomtM <>\er iu nonolutu.

LIFE'S DARKEoT MOMENT When you drive tWo mi!es to the post office in the rain and see your box full of letters, and then discover that you've left your box key at home—and the post office <s c!osed for the day.

Auo[h*'r M»t'drd i«ventiou is u pH<igot tnr xoiit»s that will |«>it'.'siriaus iuovi|ig uuiii lhe.v ;m-t (" īlii' i'i lut si<U' of ihe stivct.


Wand* WaMl«icon ls »o dumb she thinks Ferdinand the Bull 1* a Spani»h poiieeman.


Tlw»)v min' wiis ,i ujiū'l« > ii *>f Slnm. Who kuUI t«i !n-r lo\« r. y»tuug Klmii), "lf ,v«u kiss iur. i»f ix»urMYou wiH hitv* k l*» «w f«»rtv ■■ Bti< ku<»ws \<Mj un- Mroii£er thao i nm!"


••Or'y on« m*n in « thouund i« « Jt*d*r cf rr»#n. Th« oth«( 9W »te fcilov*«r« cf v*»jro«n.*'

!<lt«i!i)c,h-.ii Air Aflvr NouNYw h«'ii<tUiif. That nm»t h«\«* Imh?u « hainl tir«BdrnM.

H«tt fr«m «k:Pre«id«/u Ax*n« «f tp«ia to «x-K«U*r WilK«im of o«rw«ny; M«v* ov«r B t a f *n<| fnait» r«em for *nt «»«;k«f.

BULL ETIN No. 2 '"nii-* is> going to be au eeouomy «ession of the legislature.''

Who wants to bet the new mountain road to Kona will be buitt before the dog pound?

St>nie Kona coffee gro\vers woul<l prefer somebody to relieve them of their eoffee īhan t<> be relieved of ta\- on their laiul.

Now that the $panish war is over the so.ldiers ean flo back to raising onions instead of hell.

Toni Jlooney w:is operated ou last week iu Sau Franciseo for gallstones?. We :ilwajs fignred that inan had a lot of gall.

A lot of autoists still can't understand the reason for the eounty's extraordlnary shortage of yellow paint.

Visalia. Col., man has a goose thnt is 25 years old. That's notliiii£r. The ehioken \ve tried t0 eat last Snntlay certainly \v;ts older than that.

Montana cowboys have organized the Montana Cowboys' Association in order to "uphold the traditions" of the cowboy profession—and probab!y to keep any more of them from becoming radio "artists." HO HUM!