Honolulu Publisher Behinij Plfua f Jilormation For Future Oeneratk>os Aw! Mark lnieresting Plaoes of 01d Hawaii r T r hi¥( artioie appeared in tlie Honolulu Advertiser ōf ?imrlay 5 April 16, l>y Lorri» P. Thurston, j)resic!ent and genctal inanager of the Advertiser Publisliing €ompau}', Ximitecl. Mr. Thurstou, wlio is a goo<l frieud of the Hawaiian people, ,lia-i very kiiully peruiitted U8 to reprint it, whieh we »re very glad to do 4 as \*e_heartily endorse his plan to preserve the charms, histOTy and legonds of old Hawaii.—Editor. - j Br LORRIN P. THUKSTON ' Some M eekp ago T oommented upon Hawaiīan and "jazziug it up" was ruining it. Tliaiiks to Charlie Ki4ig, the llu-., waiian Civio Club, tlie Daughters of Hawaii, a great majoritj of the better known orehestra leaders of the eil}, aiul inosl importaat of all, the puhlie, there has heen nolieeahle-iniproveinout iii ihe Hawaiian musie we hear over the radio ?tatione, ,an4 eveu at private partie«. May tliat improvement eonliuue. . , i Just as iiuportar>t, ho\vever, to } —

Ihe Hii\vaiians as the perpetuation i of their real Hawaiian niupie, is th<M liori')etuution of thcir lcgeit(ls, love .utd traditious. What is l>e!ng! dv)«e along this Une? l»r;iotloaHy ] n<..thiiifr. 1 )tave iuost of tlie iegeinls that j l<ave l>een published .in book or j paniphlet fon«, but tlirousii my eon- j tuct with old Huwaiians 4 sketchy as j m.v knowledge is, I know tliat what ts alreudy iu printed fonn, hardly scratches īthe surfaee of the vast Aii»rfhouse of incident and anee<;ote whieh iies m unwritten form, avallahle only iu the minds and memories of a constantJy deereastng number of ol<l lime Hawailans and ; u few oid tfme haoīei?. [ Eaeh year seeg the fanks of the«e \ t>ld tltners jrrowitie thinner. W!th ! their passiHij; als<_. is passiug \ KNOWLKIKSK —the intituate stor- > ies of thinps. of places, of people j wh!eh have heen handed down by; word of mouth for centuries. ] Yet these o)d tliners are eager to | c!ve of their knowled?e to those who are interested enough to geek. The tro»ble lies \vith t*S. not wlth thera. A!mn!y tliere are greal .seot!ons of Hawa!! where not a single old t!iwr remnln<! Vbo ean tell folk<jtoH<'i* tis hls fort-fathers told thera *o hMn. Wbfit «hou!<t lw» done? I suiccc>st t)iis plau for whatever \ulue it may i»avo. Ii contaius two parts. Tiu» Hrsi hos to do \vtth a iiiiit!s cffort in ihe col!e<.*tion of leyends. lncidcuts aml iiiuH , dotes ōt o'd Hiiwaii. The sec«>nil a simple j)iiiit to rnark cvvry $j»ot In everj um»mmity wliieli liai* historic Interest. Tlic first ls snost important. 1 prv»pus* to enlift <ho as>»i!>tati>.>' «f ihe De4mrtiiient of Pubiic In*t.ruc(i"u, the teachor* aud |>upib of every s<hool In «vers of HuwuH. »i v<>llccttui; evcry U v fi«»d| or storj of fhiit scTuki]*s uwu jwiir ( tioalur eomiuuniU, nnd U» dcter , n.ine Ihroui!h <N»ojv-| ; <ti«tu ho* ■ to !i«ndle !eccndary |storW or &c ] <-rtnnts of h!M<Vr tic' lu>tW>V|! OiU h ĪHK)! distrkl. l»ct ihe «kkr \vriltf u# Hte JciEeud¥ uud u> tl*ty ilo'Ui froiu ihe«r 4j44rcj|t&, ur ean iisiui .iheui froui .old Uuim iu ilicsr dislriit. FIuU i|ut {ltc f«ir naiueh si\t*n i v wain&UL il'Ul itHm jxnk a( ispvuU«u tUat kiil or Ulu/L «re«i l»Uc)i pot»it *hich Jttt> out lutv U«? «m. T*ln<l ihe an>i\vcr4 to <iae#tk)Uft such w.\- tho V*lk'is vf lUe howe of tV ni!ff oj- AUi AMHn* T< th< <dd byīidlu« m*t sl.indsr.jj:* f*Wd i: «twred*" CMOtK'FWUMi UI •ekwii , «Meiaa*ie a «HuiukAW' of aud «Unii* «i 1 l 'ii» > cu4»Uc * >eij 4«4 «4 iu ihpu mj[ir 11 r I r*w4«4j» iuv iui l *4«j di ii <li,' A uv S a *Co j *« .«*« *fe , < MWioa *fejl « ' «**» «i<*<it 11 _ a * I >-

perai&nent oo>itrnmt?«»n thnt wouia to the reoorded knu\vledj:e of old Hawaii! *n»«» tro«hle now is :i arre!it n«Jorlt.v c»f our scho«l to;uliers, l>rlneli>al& l and ®ven Katnaa!uas,. hJivf otily a hazy hlea of ihe stories of old HawaM wMeli appi.v to tlio communltles ln wliieli ttky tc:u-li, !ivo tand work Not knowinp loeal leirends, and with littlo ineentive or means for fiīiding out aboat thein, thor, of eourso, <;\n't teaeh the Voting?ters the storīes tliey slionld know, partieularly Uh>so roiating to their loeal neIi:hliorl»ooil6. Shouldn't edueatiOU in thinss Hastart nt honn\ 110 matter how hig or smal! that liomo. eoaittronity? ] sapiw»se this Woik of eol - Jeeti«fig storjos aiul tjjata hiul heen ( o«vo W lishe«i. theu? What! o»»ii I** <tone vvith it? ' l aiin wiiiinu to undertake the job ] •*i tr,vinK 10 raise fnjffioie4it fundsj so th«t thes4» le{rends and storiesi o:<n W primed. a voluuie <-oiui>lete ( lV>r Jsla»d. j T\V> tyi»es o!" i>ui»iiraiious bhuulU| he i»,u<le Jiv:iii;ihlt>; uue t-h<Kip,j sc the volui)ios eou!d be furnislied at I<'\vom jiossiha cost for svhooU* plant;:tion a:■ ->ivanmH!y us>e, tl;o «i>iher « tuoro el:ilK>rate editi»n , wiili l»etter and paj>or for, wllei titrs nml f,.r j.eruiar.eut Uhrft-' r\- u«e | T have rtlpeai!> di-.'««-ied tl;e nmt ■ J te»' >vlfh «o.t*st;indhtc meu of ( H*wti!i who :nv sts ;t Hnanelal t>os!.' il*Mt ito ho!>. o?> :t projevt of ehrtnnoter, W!»!>otjt hosi!a{!on they snld. "l'ttt nn» down for tny share.' ?f we p*>t h«-y soon īt will T*e * t*>o lnte ** ' I I lieiatise to iiie <tHt»ud |kart ofj the iiMnn, iiiu' of iusiikiug IvH"al iHŪiu-. >.f ij.t.to»t iu ea«h cvttktuu I it,N ti.. r>v-.\ Pvvut trsKv liK n ■ <-uHuusiU.\ Ui H& , w,iti AV. u" 1.,'l i, V lik Uuv» «ttl& 4 lln ljluc «, \U v? llu: liiu, o! An,«'Hv ,i !<■ ;,«Vt v\cr llie Job of. ii 4 'ott :u vu v l t u f| \fu ir ». V. * t - Uilieui [Wai'.K. :i',l ; Ou ! ge, j tl «r»t»0Ktlou! ( T1» u..\vU t- havc to 1>«, ( wiO., ut*e Ui | ( t\t* ī'« &i'd vs'.\ - .... n {''lK|Hvhl, (U&lki., ( »te(..v „ , ; re a\ A il#iVU: tu. ( CW S ( \lv> At lUv, jMar!i, j | 14«<> I>S4ttt<V lili^ I »*«%. ,-..1 Ib «* «C* »v , iwn Uaek $t «4 Uk« IU i<i# UK*. Ul». i\i». 4u* lc4itv .« ...m iU**u *v,\*, lu«> %'i-k his. J*a& vv.• uI < ;• ' ''< V. >utK *\*iU 1-U «• - ' »hi. »w tP<| t<;j'iv ♦ , j r\W of *o«<V-r« U, . 4t.fc.UUU. | na* M **** m <Ktters »«* feto}oti'>to&)i tm ji »* \|« «i»»*»» W HU*K jsf A'. . ! *•• M|s īi. iu m it i 'Wā4 I

\me* ** i» |Mr»r(U«V 1W «M *** «« i«* nh|&ti> u* |*«M& **ur, » «ft «r t» **w* «M Mr ĪOj»n4 WK <*** fen»4* <he*si «Uh «4««. Wnp %rn M««| 1 ****** «Ahk l*»A ukm tl» ftvm > t *iTrtw» «tt *iic 'kn? ltifrM *«* lemaiaMi i* >v,r. *Rl (*» i»|« l* *tH<*la m* »**j «r |t iwmM *mm it***u *ai »*► Nl«Mi I*r p% 1 fwmift*> mtrnm «f *-««% f«wat*«& f. • M* m «*w * I **«4» *v4 t *A t«sc m im^l , >W; *«ft »-*« I*- »i<»t ;*■»*»«. I ft% « Wfc*lN«te» i*M4ti»£ *««i«l , MM >tni ' Ukv %a i*»s