Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

1 ! t - i | I * -:x" •■ •• •- -ri i TO THE PUBL!SHERS OF i KA HOKU 0 HSWAII ] 11 ■ WE EXTEI^"OUR ;: best wisnEs I:.] i - ■' • ■••-'i I i FOR THE FUTURE SUCCESS OF THIS [ ... _newspaper - . ;• : l i ' ■■ -'V" : ~ ■!■ ':■■ •'-:" ?■ t ! At the same time we wish to eall attention to * our new lines of Summer Clothes for Men. You ! are Weleome to visit ottr store at any time to I inspect oyr latest styles. MEN'S SHOP 168 Kamehameha Ave. — Hllo ' 55SS5S5S5SS5SSSSES5S5S | Compliments of j HOo Macaroni Factory . ®' ,i£ I ! 1 '-4 1 874 Kaiiiehanii'ha Ave.. Hilo Piione 2817 . ī; | }!anufacturors of ] j Cookies — Pastries — Crackers — Bread Udon — Soba — Somen, etc. ; "ih irs st u; uui \n irs DiFf t:RH\r" ] ' l i SEARLE SALES & SERVICE COMPANY, LTD, oftYrtnjī to tho tnot«»iinji l!u- hcst in Brr\ice an<l 1 hi> (.oinpaii) !s a£cnt for (:ry>l, r II x//i\ (>,vr/ /jJ i( r\s/, r r<ir£« 1 1 nirks. 11 hitv Trucky, \L>i Outh<Htrd Mtf t<>rs. l\( >u hiHii*, }}t <!< ir/>, Suj! Ihmts, \failt r Tir<>. lia!ti'ric> aiui Sp.:-h l'hts:s. Purts «n«l v4<r«.'sssTit > f t »r .411 Popu'ni? ( r\. atui h ir*'.x Firt' ExtittKtastu r !,</ Iwru ~rnui< >. OUR AUTO REPAIR DEPARTMENT i* c<iinjilolt , ly cquip|>ctl lu lumlle all kiu<l» ork. Our iucxlniuici are c*|)crieuceU iu lUeu, U«c. We do—Eicctnc *ngl Madnn« Ur #ainti«a. Trimm»n,a, Wo«dwork, Gi«s« and ur*n<|ing SERVK£ STATĪON 1N CONNECTtON ~ E. C SEARLE. M&oagei !W» KjiUk«UA StHilo l^lwni 4I * ~ : . | HAPPY BIRTHDAY : i to I KA HOKU 0 HAWAiI | ■ . j , M«v ymi liv<r fong ant! conjinuc out 4***! * wv>rk 0« beh»lf v>f ihe I kwoikn [ Richardson 1 I*» <»•.. t. u I