Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — A WORLD MOVIE OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]


By Hawai? *Tourist Bureau Htiwra.ii \ Lavul of danciug eooo l>alnsi? aiul s?nging Surf. Surfboarils nna flower* , . . sfcarUght anei rownnee! A playctound. atitl a Veiii rer of PaeiAo tratle. A fortress, : iinii ,-i trt>asure chesu The treasure bulges witli 'the white aud jello-cr g ( >ia—sugar aud ■n of over ?i00.000.ō9d.6b a yp)ir—fliat malee up "Hawairs uiain fnriustrles: trhlle the fortress ls ' Awfriea's outpost of 3efense on the i Psu , ifi« > . . I TMs is HoT»otnln ttiat we see a? I tho liner towitrd the "harbor \ A Heah mo{fer!i" city, ]ialf-huriett ii: • folia<re. hom<»s rlimbing up the val i lf.vs ami agaln«t the nioun T.ssh v»rtrpefe of"green' vel f on wiM volcnno-fomed ranges |f?T»refnl pj»ttns hēmlinp hefore fht (soft nnimnr of the trade wlnd. r I*layinj: aii<l siii{tfng T<lsnO melo «iies, the Hoyal Ilawalian T?aml wei <H»nM*s »c*>ry prt-<.<oftger stw\nn s r t' IlonolnlM. Ti»e «ship is escorted int< Hh» hnrhor hy native hoys who dlvi f for the siiver Kiit that ta«*»i from the shtp % s mll. Ton go down the }«iti|rp?a!ilk t« !*ar»d?}so. A friend . . . or a frieni «f a frīentl. places a wreath of floxv ops over your shoul(Vr? , . . you*r< ir. Ha\raii! w . For*many senerHtk»ns fragnm flower wreath«! ha\~e been use<3 bj tlie as tokens of lo\i : iu»«i frlen«ls4iip. The lei custaui h&; , l*nn «-«rrie*! »i<v%n to ii;ufe | aad UKia,v ihe How er neckl&ces ar* ! usiwt l>y *\\ rwkientsi of the I»ian& | in weir<v m i»g new arrivals, as s | smure of frlet3dship. and in $ayla| | h» persoos trbo are *3epart j insr. The are Trovee ol j plttaieris, maHe. singvr. ilinia, **ar li«t»icms. aoa I roontles?i other ftower« that shoun<3 īii» th* |wm<i!«e isl*s. f Fto«vrs hiv*l Rt*er<»r.v *iv ew*y- ! where, Ttws are Bftre wiih aeri&3 au<s Aowem b}ixwn at !ni£ht. Fnwa U<e sprln* uata the | t»«Wte of tliv ;iutuavts i$ tlw heljAt |«f the Jlowerin£ trw sest£«n for t aaJ £«ttVa shoucr. s<-artet po{inrisns.. laves Jt s r jacsrau<la» nua- } feow shomr ar.4 su% t\>d | pwple boagaiDvineat. j Haiv pJaotv aiul fioK«rs j«irpet the h;H< uml v*Hey* of lli j**H. Thw ar»' hf,ax,-an *r4 hast an<] pu!t»$&ii- ?»«• ps'-m«s !roe«NXHK atul IT*vs ?i«e th« '«b tbe fc4im<K An.l th<? „****s>, » •> <owr «f a**v»iltht. iM3ottt£ lut*r «knin Ki.HmVr. *tv «i»^> , iw t** - te (k - IiNMM, fr»ML *UK**S«s. 4«miwus. «L, t*«rr«w«. lUK <twsu £tet» lht I »*im> ♦ tti «st«&4 #!*»s ***** MaAA v<® i&e ltaßlk«*g| »W» tiw i«4«8»i «f oe ito< iW iaiuei* «M t 4fc* mmm «««««» m? «li mmm*» t«4 m m, elkilii mmk * mi msd, mm «f mh .C-MM

s<iaaw mile*. Tb*?se islamls are Uie suus®*it3 *>t , _ a range of lofty volcaiiic ftii>ancatns, built up liow m>oii āow of l)asrilt lava to a groat«st hel£ht of 32,000 fott— li.ooo feet up froui s*m un iop 0f IS,OOCi £eet āowu t,o ihe ooeau aoor. iM<aet „f ihe ru.;ac, js»s|ujGMMU«. Tlu? %erj deptlis of Da>j: Jaae&' T.oi ker 10 tlie cloud wrealUs aroaoŪ the ol Mauiia .. „ Keu iuU, M.iuaa. Loa. B«ear the Xkū?ii3te af i&ē Xortīi l?aeifio, about t\to Uiovi£&n& off th<- of Nonh An*eri--0 3, theso onee ren;ott isla.u<U uw j tt«»w j«s; 13 hours from Culifomi&. I F " r J VV(> dy&>er £&s&£% huv«? bo<"u carriitig j>&ssettgers &ad mail io Houoluīu, Ik.ī^ nontul <Si4tes £uid . e«t. Tliis> avriul wa> iuuuj;urui«sl in OeUlw?» 1034 lii addiUou, s.iissu®u>iiii> lui^ S\>rth Amerle!i» Uie Sout|v Uio C>riout stua *x>'uud-tfaii-worUl . . . aii cvKnor£t? at tlie Hi waiinn pon. Th*> roniaaiiv Uistoi3 of the Is a.,tejs fTv«u 1775. whei» OaptI sin Oook, e3fslorer* I uis ii»«? Isliuati&. Hi> ; lUe Saaūwicli lsies, afier k|s V»tron the Earl of Sandwteh. name »as ißsed, beiug hj ajoiv &aiu*r *tesi<Witiou: Um Ba\l aiiau lsi&uus» Theiv is evi<i«uce UMU other ex®i«Uie4 iUwaii v"t>t>k, hui ai aaj- rat@ it the Eug;lisii brou£&t wo?ā of i?ve ls4auds ;o the outside and to bim aiast īh*- for |th?ir dUcoT«ij. i tlīe | ,ke isUlßtfc «£,ldkX w>U(fe Hik 1 afu*t h* u, 1?86. TNs **Mts:;u ««$ c«s t?uv«ru tat * Jte?MifeUc4tt f*rak fitfv«nwtsat ** «u4 & »|K» hw owa n^iue^i. &Cti£X«<d tiK* CuiU*4 h,* ihe «u«i bev*»ii-*- s. i«>i *s * sushur WAt KuuelMAMlHk is ī««v <U«? ihe Paei A *tN**iat li-ou*' ,*t iW »«st iasfw>rt*i}', feo>U&ys i ilaw«.4iiii o&k*£&-.r - h** j «£»& 4* K<WlK*ti*r:*<.* Uis [***»*"* h&ia^ |J»»| «mwu. J6fc^fcw«fc«» ,<*«»- «i ti* 2w&c%ks m i> & .f, r hm * «* K- ,**?•» 4n*mss *t M» ktttl§#few, - ifcc 4 m**: «4 S«» mmaārnātm ;& im ib* - Mmklk lUHI gg*nm m xhvu 4&A tr *♦*»*«* *>•«**« tti Ufeft «^Kts. * iw* ««>.. *m. m |ise fc(t£ 1W «t tw t «f lfe*tß, *HS» .«€ 4mA , **«* «npri«zl|- *ī : m s.«js. i««Ne, «I. _ «t *t«Bt fefc4 % Afc?tr Sk la « **"* *H*4 <fe*«s4|aMfci IfcHHWV f|»r- fet»l*£Aa;

aries put the langu<\ge iuto \vritin£ HUd playeda. leaUing x>urt fiuui tliut time on, iu rnany of cuHvtrai, eeonomie and socjlal growtli f<>r tlie Isiat\ds. ln 1900, two years nfter Uie anue\atjon, a tervitui ,: i;u f<>rni <>f gov<»rnmeut was Jusftitute<], aiul the T«rvitory ,of Hawaii e\i?r e=iiK-e !ias beeu an integral j>art of tl»e St&les—aot ā "colonj" or a "p»a ; session." The Governor, wli» mnst be a resideut of the lslamls, is ;i]>lHtinto<l by tlie I'residen{; lmt tī>e Territorial leg!slature and othor lotal officiais are elected. lolani, the one tlme royal paiaee, is uow tlie eai>itol l)uild"utg for tlūs U. S. Territorv, whiclv housts tho 'only throne rooni in the rnited States," Wheu the Territorial legislat\ire is in sessiou the "throue room" is the assembly eliambor for the hou%e of representatives. At other times it is a rauseum rooru, having receutly beeu restoreil and iedeeorated as it "was tvheii Poh'iiesian monarehs lield court. The population of the Terrirory is ;}us.t over 400,000. Ilouoluhi, wiili a popalatlon of ahout 150.(XX1 is the lurgest city and has the ruain harhor of tUe group. lt is situated on Oulm islaud. Other ialaiul* of intere?t to vacatiOnlsts are TTaw;iii, Maui and KnuaL Kaual, ahout 100 imies fron> Houoiulu, is at llie tiorrh-\\*pstern extreniUy of the īuain group, It Ls the smallest of tiie four principal is>les, anū lie-i-uuse of iu lusli, ll:\niins f«>n:igo, U known s»s the "Onnlen Is1;hk1" of the group. Ahout 200 niiles south «nu east of Honolulu—at ihe .-.oui'i. easter'n extremltY of tho ;v.vtnpolaf£o, is the largest island, It is eallee 'HawHii." Bei\vwu tlus T s l.*lluV' und Oaliu is M:mi Iho "V«Jley Tsle." There ,*tre ino<lern hote!s and good high\rays on all ihet-e ie>lau\is. D;i!ly airplane sertioe for passenjrers and mail eonnerts tiie?o islan<is with Honoluiu. The longfi>L hop, -to Hilo ou Hawaii islaud, tnkPs; 7tiJ=t two hour*s in the hie Sikorsky amphibions <10-passen?er "Baby Oiippers"). In addition there

nn !Titer-islan{! Ptoamer ?orr'>o Tvith the most up-to datP pn??rng<>T fucllitios. Ka<lto telephono sorvico i.i-«r:iU> Ui'lwoi'H Uio >hiii..ls. in i'l tn ronnootincr H.-'iwnU wlīīi Uie \*arious oonti»«?»tt< throii,eho\it ilw \vorid. ln a<l(lii!<>n to tl>o |Oantl>j of tonr!<st lTit*»r^sat: Oahn. nawaii. Maul and Kauni. tl»erp are t\vo othor J?los of iiniH'naiii'O in t'no umm Mo'nHl hotwooii Maui nml Oahu, has ranoh lnnds. pinoapplo acroage. and is the lu.nli' of ;i honioMo;i(1 i>rt\iOct for <*Hi*>on« of Hawaiian Mood. Ī4inftl. h mueh sma!lor islan<l <tiroct!y of iioiokai, is t'l« - voU''ii eiitirt>iy to plnonpi'lo From a soonio or rooroational «ranrtpoint. itie >»aiioiial I'i-.i-k ari-:i- u".' i3' ::.;sj<' v iuiportT?io <;trf»n£roiv oponuh, is 4lirid<>cl lnto ?wo aooUon* loimeii 011 iwo iiuVvr«-it( i>iasuis. <>no nrt?a omlmu-oe Il:Uo:iVuhu \vorld's i doritiAnt volostno. on' Maul l t?)an<). Tlio »naj[or soott<>n of tli« , piirK i> 0:1 li:i i whH <«tnn<l rm<l U »ih-lu«V«s t\v.« in- | tomjittentl,v nctivo vo]ram>ri: KiiaI mu. atui Muuiiii I.«a. l*ark lioad- | ■ s v-.T'r«. ■■■-. ■ , r:-.T-. ■ ' ' *-r»tor. aro insi ihirl\ miī!.'» fniim 1 lln«-au's auaiii aiui •.ity >.iuh u.t a.. K^iH'"i !'.■.>»< < - o'N 1 has Iwimi ttrtlv«* <hi ats av» i r.ici' of I «•<)««• « >*•«»■. T' « !!..« i N ' I . . ftom«t|Sl f«f lU tro|k|«-;i! ' MNPWalhui whUl. fv!'.UK u ».trtkU»iS \VUUMM U» Un- *.4<*tvi» uiiii iW. Mtl«nv. fif«nt f,>nss !n » « ihop oi>nar tor ?iio v«|!<-aii"* Uivm iuho>- euni. uiii,U !'«' ftorv r*«.! <»--.« IMK. ,!«t h«UJ M»" 1 » UU:y |»«»W lw» #3S|»toiva in tho i'iicv u.onaaU »i*> u»rfe. nui ~f ,Uo ;i\ »> Artlvl*y i« »«i.\ ,«f tl,o < is«"i"* U> I,<J 4V,J>*«, «!.;;, «* Mm*wi »V>ii» , <.. vh»Kit i*r -h«; iwVAt Ui iv r-.«>r\<>t,o rv - . ! . , Ul , "w.v *rtj|it Uf i'uiuiine a«Ay llw», thf ihu U llmi «l' n WW«|.W> ••:,•. -ī , as*ctttotiJ*r ftr« «Usli«.\»., r*tl«r Hmm *i<N»de& oi WH|W!I '« •! .*'<• • » f V )MHi lMSt«li4U#ru'i» j,. u I |q tbe !iij«iii ā<s,u of tW «•««*-* i4 h*t4eto#4 : k** I *. Ov*»t tl>i* JOt4 tt| f'itfce t,!h »»<«• r.m4 1,J»» !hi|, 4»i.tu ! ♦♦»!» rW?Cf f|,> ;r> s-

('{'■nī!': t lTa]('tuiunri:iu fiVepīi^'*fms? laTse hn!e in l.)ie i r rountl, more than lnilf a iuiU> across nnd , alipost > t'eev iloep, i» ihu seat of activity at Uie tinie*of tlie intermitte»£ iuva flo\vs— thus forming a grt?at lake uf iiyukl tire. In action Mauna Loa is even more speef!K'uhvr tlian Kllauea. Bijt it not us aeeeS;?ible, th& 13,689* foof-high suinmlt crater of Mokba : weuweo beiiiy a 2-day hiking or horse{nsi?k trip t<« tiu> siuniuit ier. Airplstne si«htseeiug trips liave heeu > organis!eU at tiuies when Mauna Loa is acdvo. (These eruptio.ns o occur oii the average of onee ..in, luui' years). This great Nalional Park area 1? §«vSt one sniall parf of Hawaii tsslaml The "Big Isle" i>ffers aj greati (litei'sity of tnivol exi>erlen ; .j vi i s, «mi itsj off-ihe-l>eaten-trat:k Sec- j I«ohs are steeped in Hawaiian tra-,j Uinou tuul lnstory. E\eji the re-.j parks of HawaH have, of <H>ursv, adv«neo<l far beyond the oeonoaiy aa(j arehiteeiure ;i but of grass atiuospheiv will fm«i the Hawaii of a iiuinlieū years ago at lovely Puna aiul in tlie Kona district along the sliores of islau<J. "II«u«e of the Sun" the transhuiou for the Ilawaiian name—Ha. leakaia—of the great dorvnant voleano on ilaui ishuul tliat comprises thf t>iher sectien of Hawaii Nalional Park. This voleauo-niountaln is umi thousand iwt lūgh \vith a vrater rim L'l miies in eireunifereneo. Th«* wal)!s of ihe >ohauo uve inorv llian a thousaiul ieet liigli. t'overiiij,' the floor are :;iant| ivd an»l orango ēinder cones i wliīeli, huiHlretts of feet are d\\at - iVtl I»,\ ihe iuunensily of ;iheir .<urroumliniiS.Flourishing in ih«' t iii(lor s<iil nf ihe er;:ter lloor are heaulii'ul si)eeiniens of the rare s;ivers\voni iilam. It a large i »|iherieal h«»iii \vith narrow leaves i tliat gieaiu llke poUshed silver. It I }iiutku es on u stalk i'our feet liigli, a lioi'iieoii* niass of pur[>le blosi stnnsj AU of tiiis in the "House of I the Sun", aiui Haleakala is but one ] uiUiu Uon ot aii ishuht that is rich in scenery and tr:idition. "Maui No i Ka Oi, ' is tlie \vay tlie resi<leuts of I iiie V<tiiey Isle' i»ut it. Meaaiug; ; \<<u ean't heat Maui! i r.ut tliere is no true eon»i>arisou i bet\veen the islands, of eourse as

. ri •>! līk' eliann i>tīto nrcliii>ela- ; siv< is ilu l f!!s t lh;H j soiu«nhiJis (lifforons lo ofl>r, Tlu j n> f »UV liK» V*U» Uil" V.\itlUi)U l T 011 ! Kawaii i.vkniii. lnu mnny travt v l<?rs i «oiisidor ii tlie iuos( bv i autSful one | «r j gv>rgo known Walnioa, i,- a ■ (ir.u)d Ounyon" iu a tropical j snttinsr. Hh' fiPoat Xa Pali cliffs i iilvuig ihv> nouhwo.su i ru coast; the ! I'j»rkili>' s.uuls of Nohill; tho fiw>j works rliff: tl»« aneient caves of j liaoiia; i iu' ?iHnuing Tl*>rn, a iuusi , v ui suli \v;iuv goysor; nuturo"> me I>3mluhl>: f»r»famo«l Honnl'i hay , . . . aii *if thoBo are jvist ft j ■ iliink l »» isij»mi" aUnu'lion^. j l\\ii a visit to the Hawaiian Is- , Ihihlk i« i«ōre than a si?hts=fv»j īr.g Tt»or»f are thi«gs to I>o ja> vv»tii as iihn.e.s 10 SKK. iVrhays : !>»- ihe honoml nt « ! iuau <>r n;«tivt> foast, anā thOTV j .\mu'U >tv ilio rotU UawiUlan Imia, j lu M<WiU.»n u> iho i«siimos you on I iiM< k hoi«e—golf ( polo, fishj t*im>s—ther* are now nath*p j ts|i<»ris u» wuu*h. baivfo»irhall t sixrfli hukiian fi?hi».c fe«t!- ! V}it. Tlh> Hawaiians say that lf | v«»u visii ihe lsioīnls onee »1i wa.\ * u.iiu u> rv»turti. Thw ls « " --ln «*on<l ih«*v< i iiiui «lauiiiu: i\8lu»« Mawaii ha<« j ttsi»»<»>H wi'i)'Am<'tU"<ui; oaiU»' t • «n<l aj;rt ■■ , »»J«Kii 1 *» U>)i \\ »|l jil JH»TX* iA 5» liliul of I iwliui an»t hos|»it»hlo Iw | («u<i'<» witi« « «<f lt<Uig hHpi'i'i ! •,, !,< 1 ■•„1 tbAt tW l w*i«H ( i»«n in *hw» j : U inH<l Oi ai*r,s<tam s«tfehi»sf> Sv \u cf Stli'V I V<ī<,-N 1 lt ka» m*v*r V,«ttw | (t«H«t iwr !h»n - *>iu: niii u|NT»tl»m ef th<» i I J4 ltttPNl« !r» »twoWu lU»*** »tv •»«*> 1 J«l»' «"\itVMlf f U*. ū» 4» tOit4j£ tt» AHS i < r<>4,. \<< Nnwll »«- «\fr !**«« *h\* t«> e«*ftf*l?t»*} ~ Mw <"b«rii» .. , 1 ., ,- n <w,, f . it* ?,» 5,-11 <\f hof M«*± i«a.H *M» *!>«» im* aw» ,<! Ihai ; . __ i 'S«. •#tm i*&& m «M tt» ♦»«* «au *H**iv mtmg, rfc**ia fvt W i <9«»« 5 » m *(Imc »»< h*m& slf*¥taßl ««fctn£. tttiH%ss& lns.tf § $t* <•«». «4* «>»ti k»> *l»»iw». CMWr ■ » " fw»'« ?Hat ■ •• -1111 p»Ti|~ t»et tt fWl!r,t y«f tt* t«sW£ afr» -»V «4»*,V» «# **»» m mt ww**-. f%h *m «f «* «wHmw m <• «tf «•? * 1 , m,,, ***$*> lt* «lyp

[ ea'scā<les, its pluuiy pahus drowi s i"S by the shore, its remote SQpQ|tfiWs*f!oatmg Mke isīands aboye tliff oli>ud raek: I eao f<>el tlie spirit of <ts-w»odlftnti sotitvjd<>s; I ean liear [ th> plash ot its brooks; in my nos- | tfils it«l 3ives the breatli of flow\ .tTiat perished t\venty years ago."