Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 1, 3 May 1939 — Pension Bills To Get Big Cut [ARTICLE]

Pension Bills To Get Big Cut

lIONOLULU (IT)— Tlip strenuouK tlutl (levelopēd over penfiions in the last t\vo t!ays of the | !cj:M;mire resulted tri drastic* ōur- i t;ii!mfn{ of. this item of gōvern-' meiifs expense aiid the snii)llest !>i ii.- inn !iill> in nniny ye;}rs,_ j It also bronght about passage oft a l>īll creating separate pension | 1 ••:!!••!> in the oiitside eounties and anotlier plaeihg' exaniination and vontrol of the pensioa syistem in! ihe city-oounty in tlie Tiands of the ' i>nt|)loyeK* ivfii"enient system. Tliese ; me;;snres ai'e experled lo help end wliai man.v le«islat«»rs freely terui- j ed ā vicious abuse. j Viji«>rous debate broke out in tlie sen;ue over the re«iuest for a pen- ; s-iou of S2OO a uiontl) for Henry Lin. 1 eolu Holstein r>f Maui, former niem- j her of the legislature aud fornierj inenihe:- of the Maui board of supervisors. This was attaoked l»īt-1 ierly hy Penators W. H. Heen and j H;nid K. Trask. The eontroversy j re*uiied in throw;ing the entire jnat-j ter info the hands of the t'oniinit- 1 tee uf the wliole senate and a dras- | iie eunailmenl <>f the list of rer iiuesied pensions. Oniy 12 new teri'itorial pensions were aiUhorized, requiring a hiennial api'i;opriation of .$1 This e«uupares \vith 10 in 3J137 rOsuirjng ' £20.400. Oiily four eōuno pensions were aHo\ved, one on Maui, one i fity-c*ounty and iwo by the board j oī water supply.