Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 2, 10 May 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION]

The Star Of Hawaii

The Star or Haw«ili is published ia the interests of the Hawaiia.n people with a view to promoting g oodwill and prese:vinn: the language artradi--1 tidns of the Hawalian people. - •■■.-■ ■■■:


PublUhed *nJ De®Wt«l lo the Hawaiian People

_ HĪtO,HAWAn,T.H., WTD-SESDAY, MAV 10,1939 - - * - * -T.r- <ai:ggsa- —

" 111 — V-, n 1 k 1 i- L This section of Ka Hoku O Hawail is prlnted in tbe English language for the benefit of ..Une youuger generition, many oī jvhom do not read Uie tūr^fao) s 6rs l a»d <?ur Cau<^ r

J.B. DIXON, Editor