Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 5, 31 May 1939 — Ka Hoku Awarded Contract For The Session Printing [ARTICLE]

Ka Hoku Awarded Contract For The Session Printing

Ka Hoku O Hawaii has heen awarded the co!itr.iri for primms the sessīojis laws of the territor!al te{:i!slatiire. recently pas?ed. in tho Hawaiīan T!io first installment of rhese laws should appear in our next īsmi. aml the hn lan.-e in the follo\vini: issues unt!l «•onipleted. c * The oontra<t for translattn? ihein from Knpliiili to Hawaiian has beon awarded to Knloi .V"o!ia of Uilo, who will bavi» nsststant, Solomou Anakalea. odtror of Ka lloku and Wallaoe Ahuna. Tho sessloii la\vs for tho prt?t se\eral so<!?ions of Mie lej:!slature have been pub!fshed In Ke Alnkni. Honoluhi Hnwaiian weokly. wliieh has pone out of exJstenee.