Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 6, 7 June 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Cood niornsny. folks! ITt?re we iii'i»' a.irain. We tlioug!ir of giving t!iis (.olunm a <luriny the hot >Mnanor »oa<<>n but it s;oeiu.s a lot of iv:id it aml ha\e voicecl their .li.in, ti<m iti ii<» nru-ortain ten.ns.at' ī ii- īuore of giving it f\rii a tentporary layoff. "It's. th, u!!i\ ihnie; 1 ever read in your pai<;ivs one. Another says, "I iievei- l'ail to ivad vour eolumu anel l c«*t a yreat kn-k out of it." But ilnrd one sort of put the wet ?'!an ! Āet over u- when iie said. "Youv <i ' i, k,! 1 ».) t u'in v :T>o you get ■a i i this? out of mainlainl papcrs>" Alter siimi§ ujp half the i.iir!u t<> haieh the*e alleged funny < i-i k v \H' (hdii t -ee anything parti t u!;i:-ly funny in that one. \\ e ha\ e every reason to believe Hie < olunin is \videly r"ead. To test i! <tui and tind out for eertain if \ve ueu* \\aMing :our liuie we applied uiie ut vh«>se cra«-ks to Uie county t iiiployes last week and uearly got >h.<i for it. :So here \ve are again, u>ual. Perhaps with a few more yeavs'. praetice we will eveutuaily wind up by writinjj something really mmiy. .

Law Wouid Force Removal of Po!es—Newspaper headline. Reischfuhrer Hitler undoubtedly would be interested in suth a saw, BULL-ETIN

"The Heam Newspaper Syudleaū' has oft\ j rod me $10,000 a year t«> write Uiis eolumn exdusively for Hfiirst M<nv£papers." DESERT POME No. 29 On a rock ort the des«rt Sits poor Jackson Dixon; Reca(ljng advice that His car r»eed€d fixin\ SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"Tryiug t<> Mieak |ato your own !»»<«*' iit Jiisht is about as useless !is trvhiir to «'"iK'eal a sour uote to thp brmii, Tiu'ro's ;thvays s<>nifbv>dy listtniing." Fe«ign Minister Molotoff r«. fuses to let Britain and France make a fur coat oul of the Russ i»n b*arcky. Molotoff t« no «ap- - !»ity tit« <"«tlfes wht> Jive ia J«ew Vi»rk niiii S;n Frum*i*co. Ali tlivlr |MM>r rt'li.n i\ «»s wlll bv visitiug the fairs thlis y«'iir, Autl wo kuow wUat liuil lueaa^. Wanda Waff!eīron i» so dumb ahe Poppy Day for Father J * Day and boui)ht her old man « fancy »hirt. A tuurh !h*»mli>il invHi!ion ls a itfij« li t.»r iu'\\N|»ajtor iyp»trter& th«t will ;tui<tnm!iially rvtufū to it« rlchrfnt t»tvit«-r wh«'Ut'\vr poum» iMidy ltt»rn'vvs 'tt mui f<>rgvts tv> gtvv ii bark. , i A fluy w* hate t« Oiiv»r Krufl; H« greeu you wHh •Haiio th«re» nSua!" J«|ww"»• Tr«ntjrt Qutl N«>rth Uu |*Ph.- h«'a<ll|iu'. AnU lhi\\ lef( Uui»«'h lM»f«iiv imd ilwa*- 1" vt>mUe who&pee j An«th*r traf)««tl*i\Ufc fU«* ha« ! m» le»t tt begin» U' iook *i , tl»0«8h o«ljf trlahm«»\ ean «ue eMMrfusly mākf »ych a f?īshl now* MNiya. I AiTHOkOCiCA«. FQRtCAST , iiuu' utuivr a |»saU< t«ty jfc6V« i ī'Sa»«M]t !li«l 1> u>i)»4 t»rx! wf«inff nt IhU tin>« {Mh, a i«>l »>f llieui wiU ;»rtmi*»'

niarrv ,so]ih> iiit\vit ilial probubly Jtasn'r pven got a job. 1939 simile: As Lntelliaent as the nineompoop that cracks jokes at a Memoria! Day ceremony in a cemetery. ARTLESS AD. Advortiseiuenr. in ;t iuaiiiland iie\vspaper: For Salo l!oautiful St. Kenianl eloi:. \\'ill eai an.vthing. V(M\v fond of (.hil(lron. HIT AND MUSS. Two chaps Who make An awfu! fuss Are DtCtator Hit And Dictator Muss. hiiwn'l any ]iifturtv Sir NeviHe riiaml)orlai!i \vitl» his l'ainons unibrplla simo ho reuirn«?cl froni tliat t''ip to Italy. Is it poslio lot Mr. Mussolini take his wmhi'olla away from liim?

193& Fabte: Oncs i-pan a time there was a legis!ator who didn't say "l'm through with poiltīcs and l'll never run for office again." WHY MUST WE SUFFER? OUtT "TIU 1 GiT HOO 9MD Fofe v

Oi' all lln' ]usuries we possess The one tl»at's iu* *rruuv ls t!)p nnise box calk\l a niUiu That gives out most!y static. Btit even static is a joy Oompnred to artles!? tunos Or sw{ng song;i erooned in racous voiee Ily foo!»Io mint!o<l loons.

Bus>ness must be good at the loeal tax efftce whieh wi!l socn a<!d a new Clark to the staff.

Are Uie im?nil>ers of county barid heroi>nng It is rt>ported tlmt they played at a tea pa,rty last week and actually draak tea atid ate cwik!es with the liiee ladies. Haw auotht'r eookle, fellow& A nev» basebaii stamp has just been issued b> the post office dc partment Well, it eught to make « Wt.


i ilk» bcauiifu! | l»u< d«mb Uult*»rfij of Uit' fryut of I ** I h« j r umtutīl vavatiuli, i>ui niu' iiMi'i H bt* aut>* wlk> l«ri for tt. Mi«* wisin*> lii.w >1»* liinlu'i wiaiUHl t liri»||U;is K»\'iuxx HiWUIII. lf «lip aHlt> to oraw ii oul of lh«» imnk klm' eoul.i n«' «k t&r a* Kalniu» lia *ilh it. Slh> says sht* iik*is> KalH*caus«' tli«*ri» U uu pUun» uny utotu>y l>ut tb«' hoi«i farUiti»*s an» urriblf. W« h«v« to r**d thc nuilni*Ad ' n»w«p*p«rB in ord«f to f«ud out | |««t how dc*tfycti\e «arthtiM*kn, . •rt in " : j CXTRA! extra. Al aitoilivr fv>ut «a» atfi«k>ii t«» tlu» »n»w Rtv s.taUv<n o«rini! Hw» Wiik. TUc boyt> i«» Ih« «nri t»f tivi»nlnlU|» U, j AH>4t««*'. K«fc«* Nus> will lw half **> t« «lt>b<ui.t 4fT'IS , « vhmii>*e t«» m».J tt«U ! -ViHint j mai srs\ !