Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 7, 14 June 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

ServU-e .st.ation nien 'iuust enjo_v seeing «,-ars yo lo Kohula. lt nieans that they will get a ,iob ol' v ir washing al'ter tlu- trip i.s over. lht laun. dry is ahnost i-enaiu (o get tlxe jol> of eleaning a few difty plothes, too. Onee upon a time there was a dictator whose name was Benito. but it was eventua!ly changed to Mud. The \vorst or uU the egotists That ever \ve did see It he wlio alwa.vs ltel!o\vs out. "Just Jeave it ali to nie!" And there's the Scotchman who argued with his wife about the theater tickets. He wantecf to buy the cheapest klnd but she wanted loge seats. By the ttme they got through arfluing the show was over—and he saved the prlce of two tīckets. DOG I.EAI »S FAMILY TO AVOMAN IN PIT Ne\\si>iiper headiinē. It must have been a Pitt bulldog. DESERT POME No. 29 Parked on the desert ls poor Lemuel Ladd; He Had to tie up When hīs snubbers went bad. 1939 Simile: As diseontented as a sihool teacher <luring the summer holidays. ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST During this conflguratiOrn there will be mueh strain on the family purse. Heads of families are under a period of evil portent. This is the time dad wiH have to dlfl up the moiney for taxe# and at the same time send the family to tfte beach for the summer. % SOURPUSS SĀM SAYS:

"Ilow is II Ilnil s>>UiO fi>llows who i'an"t pav tlieir gro,;c*ry l.'ll eau always fiud i»onoy ī\.r tlu-ir "annual vaeatk)U?" Alone on the p»er Stands $ailorman Stout; He was sfil! In the bar When his steamer sailed out. lIAWAII TOPS 15 STA'I ES ĪN TAXES—NV\vspapor li^a<l'in.-. W« 11, why 11dvertl.se lt? BULL-ETIN

"I am not floin fl to take a vaca tion this summcr. I*4 mueh rather atay home a»isi tavc my me ney.' MODERN VERSIŌN .In< k !inrt .ll!l «p !h«* hll! Ti» ge! h !<»«k Ht (ho inoon, AnU wr sui»j»°sr<J Jatk hf Aml tbe w«Mlng wf!l ho vory «oon. LIFE'S OARKEST MOMENT Wh«n you look at the *oclety paoe of yeur favorite new«paper and r«ad abogt the ewen party you «Menūeie», -»«4 f!nd that the> h*wi l«tft your nan«t e.'» of the N«t s»f fenyit*d gu«st& And ysu w»f« »o *rtxtou# lo mak* an lm tr<M«ion on c«rta!« peop!e WMtdnt it mik« you mad* i& THAT 80, WANOA

W*Bda w»; -. "J.'\ * whieh « !!ti w!i.<r* 1« only half WffH* ; O»Cf * Um* *f§§ » we*ld *•»»■ v*Hw*

wtio just love<l to tetf about his experience& at the front. A kuinuuina is a man who ean reineuiher wlien ilī<- ohl SS Clty of I.os Au::oles \v;ty tlu> "Queen of the PaoiAe." Another needed invention is a bank pass book that people won't always be losing. Everybody would weleome it —-except the Cfassified Ad department of daliy newspapers. B!G HEARTED

l.ittle Strenmiiiies, tl»e j*oung 1.h1.v in tlie front oil'iee, is so gener<>us. The otlier day she saw a looking < liap eating grass. s Poor ttian." she asked, "ajre ydu so lniugry you have to eat grass?" "Ves," ihe nian repiied,"l haven't eyie»i a s<|uare nieal for a week." "Oh, l'm so s(>rr\." ghe sald, "Go mei' to iuy lH»use. tlie grass is longer tiiere." Trans-Atiantic flier Dick Meriiii v*as secieti>' married to Toby Wing, blonde screen star, in Mexica. So ,Merrili has won his Wing, for the second time. May he never lose his Wing. EDUCATED BUGS Wiūie on the Western Frout durūiii ihe \vurld \vur, a dusky son of Aialiauiu «asi husily eugaged in a tuutie liunt. When asked by a serj:eaut whm lie was Uoing he rei*lied: "l'se ii-hunUn' o* d«Mu 'rithinetie hugs;." "Wl»y «Jq you eall thein arlthinetie bugs?" "Cause dey add to uiu uūsery, <jpy suhstraets' froin ma *h*y divitles ma aiienlion and dey uiuUiply like hell."

Somc men ean slng *Sweet Adeffne** beautīfu!ly in a barroOm bu* they can't sir»a a lullaby wh©n Ihe baby wakes up and crles fn the night. PROGRESS AtM.!h t -r s«4tiare foot luis jusī bPen addwJ t<» the nesr firt? staiiou. The phi!osopher who asked the question, «'What's so rar« as a day in Juner' never atc iteak In a Kona hote|. The lltg Is!at)d Jookvi elul» boys wf)t now vhvs i\M k«xm! o!«1 r.'frain. l.iv,H.i īleshh> tho nao«« Tra<& AU tin- H.imnuon Kiihw Aw. whM