Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 12, 19 July 1939 — How Herr Hitler Paid Debt To Man Who Saved His Life [ARTICLE]

How Herr Hitler Paid Debt To Man Who Saved His Life

A popular joke whispered through j Germany coneerns tbe little Jewish | boy who one tfay saved the Fueli-, rer\* !ife. Wlieu the gratefui lltt-1 ler asked: "Nauie your wisli; It ! wlll'he granted," the little boy said :! "Please don't tell uiy fatlier what' 1 did." ' | Yet It was no jolie that duriug | īhe Great War. Hitler's life aetual- ; l.v was saved by the heroism of a ' Jewjsh youth. Seriously wourfded' <m tiie Westeru frout. Hirler was' | crawliug over the blood-' I t*>aked field wheu Ludwlg Warburg, j |a yriv;Ue m the same Bavariau re-' niment, rushed froui tlie trenches to aiil aud brought liiui iu uuder ttre. W T hen he had reeovered, llit!er thanked Wurburg for his iie-j | roisuj atid said: "I hope the tiuie, j >hali eome wlieu l'il be able to show 1 iny grsititude." J Just a fe\v uionths ago, Hitler i'.n: Warburt heeame i t l"' < - wn<':- ,»f a jewelry shop iu Mu- : iii' i» aftor the War aud was thrivumll the Jew-haiting Nazis took hokl. He was soo» eompelled to !eave Germuiiy with his fellow.!ew#=. Uuahle to appeal to the nowpowerful eoiurade wliose life he had saved. he fted to Parts, and from there wrote a long 3etter to Hitier, rertjhiding liim of that loug-ago pro. mise. AIL he asked was tliat hls ri£»htfu! itmpertv be restored to him. A f»'w wks !ater the answer eaiue, lt was a» emphaīie No, ro». iuMi |n Hltler"« eusunaury dls | M'iu!iiiiij; \\oi\l.v, Vour eorresiß>a J dent wits s}iown HitU*r's letter. ftxnu. | whieh we «juo»e: "There ean be oo »ueh thitig as a persoual debt lu the faee of the deiuauds of state Afy duty to\vards the (ierman peol»le rele«j>es uie frotu uiy p?ouū.<e I"