Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 13, 26 July 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

There'* a rhai> hi Oalifornm who | h;ts Hv('(l us four linn(lrod hiicks ] Binc»» linn. The. orlior nij:ht wo | (,Uvauu'i.l ho it. Th;it'.s tho j li-oiihlo with dreani;? one ha# to | wake up. , I An lowa man by the name of | Gunn gave his son a wedding pre- j sent of a farm. The lucky son of | a Gunn. i DESERT POME NO. 35 1 Oiu o» tho desort | So gloomy and cold, j Sits poor \Villte Wortlo- ! His l,res \vere too old. ; SOURPUSS SAM SAYS: J

"There was a time when )jght- ! ning rods were the fashion to • adorn the roofs of houses. Now- ; adays it's radio poles.** j >\'hat Hilu npetls at scmie (»f »«<'r bu.-y . sīreet inU»rsecti«ns -is a iife ? size statue of a spw»d c«p. It j might heip some. } SOME PULLET j (Vancouver, B, G, Sun) •• —whose white ieghorn pu!let ■ laid 215 eggs in 2 con s ecutive j WeekS." [ WORSE \ Yes. running out of gas Is not so hloomin' funny: ■ But it's not half sō bad As running out of money. j D|D SOMEBODY BLUNDER? : Every-*time we get our etectric . light biil we are reminded of j Tennyson's immorta! poem, "The : Charge of the Light Brigade." ~ — | MODERNIZED ] Tlie boy stood on the b\iming deok ] Wlien aii but t\vo liad Heil. ] !iis sw-eet!ie;m'si arms around his | neek—. j (We'll lei\vē flie rost unsuid). i | PLENTY of volunteers The Boston Transcript says a j Baitimore scientist is tryiirig to ® di»cover whether or not a man j risks hls life by kīssing rouged ; ar»d Hp-sticked giris, Thousands ' of young men are elamoring to ' join his' experjmental staff. j fahl< J : Oikv \vas Hiio nian wlio wem t<i i iimu aud draitk only koilu \vaier. SAD STORY Lillle WiHie i'arii j W*Hit swiiuriiiiiy: :ifi<T t!urk ; \ WJMle's fun ) Was soon done - j Willle iuet a sh«rk. j j OULL-ETiN 1

•M'H pay yo« S«tur(tay nlahi," j \\V «hiu'l kuuW wlili h fs ihr s«';i ] doirs be»t sHter t>vil >vi''vo l'wii' irying »11 woek to loi-»lr H.-iwaiP": »>.'»! c«»lJar. ! B«N>ld tht «nd Of a seaBu?t's trlp, • Th« jN»or «>ir>«l fo»tov««d a Stot U»h »hlp. •0*« HAN a nim t»#W bri \f ln* «t<n nttvo t(Ktay. , ' > V> 11 T \>p». ln' w«»u1il 1"' # " v, ' r >' ;,rv fdd. I# « m*ft th» mirt<!V ; •f KawiihimiH* 1 *vr*ut tr><* put | n»f *«« «havtne t WWIW «two»t hrfak thrlr ' n>t tr T j* 0*«!r horry U tattr hiw %4 t)M • vrt * MA ««« v»nlt> ra»e «•*>, <****•

\Vaut!a Wiirt'loiroii is geitīug liiiiniH i' and duii.hi r. Slif lliinks a in;in wlio n:is-> a is a Bcb Mowat says any man who slaps you on the back ought to i be siapped back. ! | YOU SAID IT, BABY!

Little Streamiines, our pet 1

peeve, says if we have any real [ boOsters in this toWn. outside of our newspapers. they must be running in iow gear. j : " r ; - ■ .:. i i.oi;s or ininu> luippen j ui-muui aui iiu >n.i> l <»r iualam-e, i Uh* oihei' d;i.\. a >iiiiiv 4 L\uinijr ilun^ s <-;<il<■= īai mu' of llieiu 1 aiul asktMl ii' sli+- imiiii u< l a half i»i īiiniiui df "aiiim''ii\ ' imw muell j w;«>f it \vorth. j — - j From a mainiand Society Page: i "A dainty repast was serveu, }ni elueiina fried potatoes." ! sci«>nrisi says siow thinfeers ( iive loiijiost. | This d"es!t t app!y io pedestrians. } ev*.*s*}nu K:ui»»lKaiit'iia aveu«e' ;<iu- , nny nivli hoi > 1 o\vever. ' 1939 simjie : As nonchalant as J a bus drjver in a traffie jam. J *| 11is ui .• ,'v !i,«i ni<>lHui !ava I s;ni<h\ irl', u 1(1 tlī<* Uh'/ii whō j bi>rrows y<mr ih-i:;-!! for' "jusl ;i ini j uiu! foriri>t>; n» .rotūrn it. Saitl iiit* lāneupple i A> H t««ik<*u at llu' vsui, | '1 tu fiuin' tu yel ouiUkeU. i .\iui »uy ol<l lii.'Ui. j. * . j After observmg some of t,he t customers in a Hilo beanery, U j is becoini»g more difficwlt to disj tinguish the difference »n the j sound of a man eating celer> or i one stepping on a basket, j A suUsi-ribor a<k> if \ve know ; :uiy IV;!! joke>, Sure, siike, ! «v liii<i\v ;i l<>t <n iliei.i jui<J iuost «f j lliom hiitur around tho |K»st oJfie<* at } 1 Uiilii til»<\ I i P*rhaps the auther of -Back . wa rd, Turn Backward, O Time ln s Your Phahl" had a note comfng i due at the fm«mce company. j" ' I "i{"\V«i\ ( ;t iu< k,v jru.v i l!<'\ «ilnl ;tli'\ ilolliH <»r Ijuostion ; Ih' eiiu <■;!( 4*i,!< Kc!i iii'kkii. i><>rk «n<! p<u ' Wiilnnn jroUii(jt iiHhy<'sti«iī. JOi FOR FATHKR 1 ) tAd in Sl. P*Ml (Mwn.) Dāily { New*) i ■ faUici, cot»« Honie. Mother i* . d»unk and th«r« n<ii)o<iy lo ' j !** I• K thc eow," { i I l. ■ ■ .... l„ I hmlulk lu'h(is>! i>\o!'\ tis ( >.j viir !tv ; ]s, | v 1I ' ... - !!-;;!<"* tlnst i>' 'i. > U-Ui <•" it , r.. . ! I - J M*w«p*p!erA were co«»ldertd j ! th* be*t tou*xe of snlorfrt* ( ? l.Oii ia.ili, ll v< . | , <». s ' l, J . ,1 4ii t .i'lli..tll.\, iHlll'i »h< <«■ .<<• >< ti»s t-l {!.<■ t'.r|j, iMi' j ] .... »UCH i.ANCUAGt : DItT«iCT »0 <*ĒT RID or < OAM JUNK - Me«dwn« m' T*r ! s t»c«t .Tr t bu««. j ' ! 1- -L.-1» 11 .<■'•. - v . t . ;t

1 i.eie'® th* na*»e ot 0 i- ©* ui t-,c Sa<i F**»*e.*cc ] H«w*v«r, it do#«nt |wply th*t j k*"* a quack.

; ihn (*«( « waiM 4ī, ( m*nt ol , ♦*« J*«M t-'rMim s wu i«s| tb<. otliMHr > »«,* «»w* («» mtd u» "llaM *> V*M U#fc* aAfttvt&T fmm «m* *«t, t . *•* «f>tM jnig J t l « ♦»«£ ' 7 \.' ' ' ' : i'• , , v: ' "

*»■«.« t*« rtvif o<t»CAl rontCMT iwiin' niM Mim!urr \xSI w wm*m «* te« i«nt= A!:(i «it\ m£ t w!th Wf II» 4*fc» fWb- «« «» 1.1«. 4 Th* #eIS V**s '*»w»p#pH4 i»% »* 1 «!♦ #*% ...- 4v.ri"l 4*»* I**v* mV* «• ,:'. , • . «il t «S- <K» n#* fMf -VI « v < «** k,«( SHfM !, 4 "®»#r «4>*te ; I fH»n,M!