Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 22, 27 September 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Get > our roller skates whilo there is still room to on our muin «treets. Poland's premier has fled into Roumania—and h'e won't be Bftck--IH>GTORS OPEN U>M riU \CR, —Newt*paper headlme. It i'iin ]iar«lly hē eKpecie<l that tliey feot the sanie thnll out of it jht»y (1o when thoy ojhmi si patient. Gold is the most valuable metal known. It has been beaten into gold ieaf so thin that 300,000 sheets would make a pile about one ineh thick.—Newspaper filler. Or just about the height of three ham sandwiches they serve in. some Hilo eateries. DESERT POME NO. 43 in a ti«»p-<lesert ditch Līes Killie McSlmne; l-)rove a litt;le too fast Oti a roa<s soake<l hy rain. BULL-ETIN

" said today the eommani- | er of a Soviet tank eticountered j in Poland totd him the TRu«ians | are afia»nst the Germans, He J #aid he met the tank in a eolumn | aeina »n the sa#>e directien a$ the ; Po!es, who fratemijed with the | RuMians." | Oh, yeah! 1 ZYXKPSKISKIKBCIC Ia diaguosing the spelling of the uaiue* of soiue of tliose Polish towns tUat have recently beeu bom. barde"a, one rausr ger a fairly good jdea of how they luok now. And there's the storj- about the Pole who flew over the Russian , llne», was hit by an anti atrcraft j sh«ll and eame dovvn a-Rushln*. LUAU LīWME|SJ-UCK j W'e know a youug man so benighted j lie never kuows wluni he is slight-1 ed; I Wheu he to a party He eats just hearty I A» if lt**'d beeu really invited. 3 Wanda Waffeiron eame back from the Volcano Sunday evertwith a far-awa> look in her ey«s. She had been peering thro«9h Weld giasses ali day. Jauiatca sh!j)pe<l 20 5 000.000 bunch es oī bauanas. to other < ountJl«s t Uis year. That's a iot of hanana oil, I.ItUV Sm'auilii!Ov is |vretty ou th« i im*w muii s sht» t s his biuo | }<v. I SOURPUSS SAM $AYS; j

■'There ar« no mer« enterpris- : ino you«c men. I nemember , when ,t w«i « «mnW th?ng fo r ; a young m#n to «tart out «i « ' cl«rh *i*4 in « y««r* c*o the ( Uw«ir><vv ®«t *<■* a* ; €«§h feflī«U $ wtr« ** j JU«T A eU4TōM | W if y«« »B*V fff ' 3«Mtt »uga' - K-sste*s «»*et sn tKtr« t«mp. In treUntf the t llrtiy MWH *ou th« «uflar b<vw» tp ' H«lp y«ur*«tf. Sut. -n Sc<?tl»nd th« o«k* ,ad > w«u**ty th«t "m«>be h«v*rtl «t*r«Y<! ( «• , „ !i ii,\ w» r<'!«i' sr . «. t tiw' lu<h >mtv, nn. - , V'or b> s t«tHL 1 —«i ' HW t>M*KCBT MCMfNT Wh«« jcu §v ; p«yt*i*<fc. «fti jfv g*t *» # *<• '

tice that you haven't paid your poll tax—and there won't be anotber mail foc three days. Wouldn't it make you fee| low? 111 aduuiou t<> iiiv rooiies«. ihe Oenuan soldiers sot Wart£ nfter < ii»!>sin.a the llus river. SAD STOftY On a slab in the morgue ! Lies what's teft of Joe Didn't «laeken h s speed 'Round a biind hairpin turn,^ i'Hhle: (iiiee npon a time n man weiu to tho ix»stort'it'e on The lirst tiay n;' i ho momii anti didn't tiiid a hill in liis hox. i j Advanced age has at teast one | compensation for a man. The oidi er he gets the iess ehanee he has j of being drafted into the army in ) war time. MAYBE HE'S A KiBIT2ER Wiīh that mo«stacl>e of his, how i'H» Bt'l>ios>pno)i llitler be called a faee<i Har? _ ____ 1 JUST WASTING AMMUNITION

| Līttie Streamli , nes, the office j stenog, wants to know lf armies i fight at night. She says if they ) do it ie an awful waste of am- | munition, because how ean they see to shoot anybody in the dark! Royai beer caps are providing tbe expetise nioney for a bunch of Honoiuiu <ielpgates to the Ameiiean Legiou eouveution in Chicago. They j ought to iiave t royal time. i 1939 simiie; As weary of the j war as the nifiht t ditor ©f a mom- j ing ne\Mspaper. j |— ; , I Wainia w«tY«*Uou is so duiub she I Maii's Lauii is a plaee | j tor woiueu ouly. j I : l I Sugsested theme sona for Char- : j iie McCarthy; Th« Trai! of the ] Lonesome Pine. j t Sent rtnvs īn Tīili>'s new theator| I wili be sparHMl r?4 !nches a{>art. | That <: golng to make it rather an-1 noyitt£ for the fellows who Hke to| pr.sh the!r up aaglnst tlie j bnrk« ōf \h>- in fro»t ōr tlieiti ! - j <4 Peace. it fs wenderfu!l w j