Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 25, 18 October 1939 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

STATEMENT 0F THE OWNEKSHIP, MANAGEM£NT r C]RCU LATION, ETC., REQUIRED 6Y THE ACT OF CONaRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1512, AND MAftCH 3, 1®33. Uf KA Ht»KU U HAWAIi (Star of Uawuii), publ»sbeii ui Hilu^ llawaii, for OctolJt?r 1939. Couuty of Hawaii ) iState of Hawaii j ss

Beft»re aae, a Notarv Pab)h- in »nd fw the St»le «nd countj- afore s»td, pewonslly appeared 15T>WIN M. I»KBHA, wHo, h«viu«r be*n «lolv «woni acoord!ng to law. <tepos*s *nfl says thāt he ts? tlie husSness , m*najrer of th« Ka Hoku O Ha j waii «t»d that the fonowiQ£ is, tc the best of his knowle<Jge anū 4Hsfi a trae ist«ten»ent of ttie owt»er «iiip, nmoafiement, eto. of t!»e nīon' «ftl€ put»Ueatlon for the sViown tn tne «tM»v* «*ptlon, re.j\\lr»Hl t»s tlie Art of AURUKt 24. 1012, «» *menrte<l l>y tlie Art «f M»rcii 198$, «uit>odted in Secttou 537, Pos WI Laws &n<ī Regalattons, to wH: } 1- Ttat the r>araes »nd a<l*l»vss j es of tfa« pubils]>er, editor. maimg j i»r . R«<l h«siness t«a«Rg»?r> »re: Pobttshei^—Ka Hokn O Hawail P«b!ishins On., Lt<J.. Hlio, Hawail FMltors—fotomon Anal:alea and .r R r>!xon. Hilo, Hawaii. Edttor—Kono. Rnstn**s!» M«naser — E\lvdn M t>esha. That tln> ownors .-irt s : W. It. Beers J. T. iloir JvsUk\ S. L. L>esha, Jr. , .. S. M. Kauakauui Bstate 3. Ih«t the knowi b(.»nt!hoMors, t»onf»gees. a»d other s?ecurilj tootOers owaiog or 1 j*er eent or more of totat &uif*unt *?t i»oinis, n»orts«ijes or oihcr tit*s Kone, 4. TOat th« tw«o parajgraivhss n«?xt | «4ioto. jrlvtng ihe of th« ; owm»rs, sxockhol<iers, atid s*vuri.tj | hoiders, if any, <x>ntain nol o«b | Ust of «tockhotders «n<l secudty ! hoiders the> upoa the I book» of tfee oMopao)- hut alao» tn i«ses wt»ere tl»e or se- , vutit,v hotder «pp<i>ars upon lbt v | books of t.he coīui>ani trust« or ' a»y S<l«ctarj wUUou, aanae of the person or oorporAtiou tor wlioui >«J> :r:is;tv ;s l s alsO that tlte s«til two para*rai>hs i>>a fttil āttvi bdWf iu, io tfec ctrx.Qttksuuce% aixu oou&Uou* uo H» Whleh stiiKkholiJer> iiul >>vurl t,v h«iOec« «ho do aot &&>c&r apoa the boofcs of the ootu|vftbjL a$ tras m *nd !*vuri«<\x io. A «ilw th«n th«i « Wm «* own«.r: hls lms uo »*•«*» to betteve th*; āu> HMWm, lKK»ri«tta&. *Nf <X>rpOt*lio«i *w.v «f*\>t or l«airwt Uie s*i»\ «3odk or ,^t*cr tfeab *s se ssaU«fHl kitt. fB*t> RI*WIN M t>RSHX s**ttw to *»M Wfvwpe *** iWa sStfc vn wod f*«AM i *S AK*4*