Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 26, 25 October 1939 — County To Build Keaukaha Roads [ARTICLE]

County To Build Keaukaha Roads

Lpt owners who recently purchas.īoU la U»e Leleiwi aectlon wili bv pleu.<?ed to learn that Uiey wili sooii have roadways ieadiug to their properties, Home $3,000 is now available from territorial iuouey for this purpose. L. Whitehouse, land eomntissioner, advertised fo? hids a jghort Ume &go 4 for the construction o£ theae bd£ ~āsT~lhēre~ were ao bids offered turueU over to the eounty of Ha- j W&ii. AUii QOW the county is «head, wiUi the work, whieh Oct. 26, accordiny to Chairma,n ,Sauiucl M. Speueer.