Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 27, 1 November 1939 — Christmas Seal Committee Named [ARTICLE]

Christmas Seal Committee Named

Members of the 1«39 cnrrsfmas Seal committpe were an- : nonnewl th!s week hy Van L Htxr son. £enern! ehaiman. Sponsoreā ' t>y the Tuberctilosis Soclety of Ha--1 w®H. the Clirlstnias Seai sale i Monday, Nov. 6. ! Oimmitte« memhers nre: i Van L. Htxson, ehaimian; Mrs. Kvelyn V. Serrao. sccretary; Cllfford H. Bowman, Clavton J. Cham♦M»riatn, Rev. Peter Chang, Renben Cockett. Clyde E. Crawford, Mrs. Henrtetta F. Dfxon, Mrs. Emina P. Giacometti, Mrs. Clara Oordon t Ken]i 6oto, Miss Annette Heekman, James Henders©n, Eujrene Horner, Minom inaha, Archie Johnston, Ml_ tsuji Kasamoto, Pather Mart!nJ Oeorge M«rvin, Khrl a. Nielaen,; Rev. Kenneth Perkins. I>r. Pwneia' Peterson, John M. Ross, Cjril Spioola, Rev. T. Marklium Talmadge, Rev. M. M. Valera. E. G. Wingate, i H. I. Young, Boj Scouts, Congolidated Amusement Co., Hawaii Island C.lrl Scouts, Hllo Theaters, Ltd-. I Junior and Alumni Tuberculosls I clubs,