Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 32, 6 December 1939 — Waiakea Theater [ARTICLE]

Waiakea Theater

! Tues. ( Wed., Dec. 5-6—D.B. Ct>WH«)Y MILI.HiNAIHK-- lseory«' j G'Bri€D • Foster f?Om?TY froH!<>n * THURS, DETC. 7 ! MI'CKEY THE Kir>—Tommy fcyan ! <>RFHANS OF 'I'HE PECOS—Tom ' T>ler • i MIRACLE RIDER No. 11 I SATŪRDAY, DEC. 9 ! DUKE OF WEST POINT - Tom Brown !SHORTS ! SUN,, MON, DEC. 10-11—D.B. ' SANTA PE STAMrEDE—S 1 teers | FLIGHT AT MTDNIGHT—PhSI Hei ean 1 T.ONT! IRANftER No 5 ! TUES., WED„ DEC. 1213—D.8. ! TR!GGER PALS—Westcrn |tHE t,AST WARNTNG —Preston ] Foßfer

dpdscntlr>n of the pla<jue !t! V,«nor of ihv lak> Hpv. Steplien L r>pSiia, former pastor of tlie Hail! rhnroli, whleh was sctieduled foj nir!stmas tsme, hap been postpon e<3 unMl Jan. 2?!. The plaque 5s he inz āon«ited by the Motbe«* cUitof the chtirch. The ītev. Dr. John P. Erōman of HonOluhi, a elose friend of the late pastor, will officiate at the ce remony.