Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 36, 3 January 1940 — Contour Farming Is Suggested For Hawaii [ARTICLE]

Contour Farming Is Suggested For Hawaii

t F«rtiim īo ItswBiī *ho īTftc!!ci'' ! a sort of contour r«rmm£ for ' erosin controi must maVe pīxhht ! for b&ndllug runoff *»■! tw*ruB Dr, K. E. Wmt«rs, direc-' tor of tbe soil couservatiou servlce.| Or. Winter«. wko is working la C<mjUQction wia Ihe Universltj or Rsri<-uUursil «uension ser-' t vkse, reports that th«? soll ' j Uon vork ia th* t«rrUory 5s | VUMlftf w»>* u»lat the l*test sdettii ftc aioUioaa. "Howevur, the c<mlrol o£ erosica tn tl» strlct oī iho wni iavo!ves cl*>sob iate4-āit>d or practices, the o{ «Ai i one of vlilch U sun; w resuH lftl d*aMLge to th< fiel4 ūx «{j b«*v> i-aia," thesoil eoasvnauofcUU ? Coatour iriAU£xan?«.l oī j *G«i u rvcOffi I meudt*<i. bui Bxu£t us©4 & ooajuuctU u uiih, £;*īhsl i tt«W6i as *, «<>co&4 Uue o( ] *c*iast enMioa. ' it*Xtt!k£v fmjUCi.tb MUu *4iex ti\m «mai Ua< futrow* l«*r* Jlow a feUi «iUioui iaiemuHiou. tktiU3r iiupwt*nt ot iu.i«r *&4 nalei U s«f« hv *4\ i*e*. "WiOl ni&i #*4tkMi uis« u*, *U m*m* v*fc *tli UW &vts\ «4 nMAm, 1 * 1