Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 39, 24 January 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

PROHIBITION DAYS IN HU.O (With apo)ogies to ihe shade of IJobbie B«rns) Dr. Slaten, of the Star Kulletin, has a competitor. Koko-Nuts ha.« just discovered anotlier iwox, who seuds us this comribution for our coluuj» and wlio wishes hi* name to reiuain anonyinous for the present at least When sugar planters seek the street Ainl thirsty Hmas- lunas meet Wheu tlay i,s done, or gorting late. AnU i'nlk.s ln>gin to Uike the $ate, \Ve've lii;htened miiHls aud hearts reai iiappy But tlmt's beeause we've had a "drappie." We \vander the IliiiH church — At least sonie wander, others lurch, We salute again tlie county jailer, We say liello to old Fred N'aylor, And then down towards the front we go „ Witii sails full set for Sampan Row. \ The churcli heUs hoom the midnight hour, Tlmt's when the spirlts appear in power, l'et as we list to its liugering strolce We survey the bottle whieh onee held oke. To have live spints with us is immense, lt's departed spirits that make expense, ilan's iuhuuianity iuakes us niourii, o£t mttkes us \vish \ve'd ne x er been boru; How hard indeed we sons of toiī Must drink our lieallh in fusel oil. So goes our hard earned cash — some need a sub

To attend that <!anee at the Country Club. Thus moralizing on we go Till at last %ve land i» Sampan Row, Where tn a liouse we stop to rest While Mania Sau suppliēs her best, Theu rēlieved within with a Httle We trace our steps to Cooouut lsle. i Tl»e uioon lias ris*eti li* % liind the palm, The air is bahuy, the sea Is ealm, Uur tires \vitlūn are do\vn aikl sooti uo must retiirn ro town; We }>au» v 10 wipe our fev<?m! brow Aiul l>reathe a prayer for Joe Serrao. Lunus mora!s arv not so worse, But >ome make tliem proiii!se«ous; A dog's l>ad nauie is sure to stiek~ People lay it 011 exeeed!ng thlct. What'js iu a nume" Now ore'S the rub: Where are the jaehts ;U the fnn; ed Yaelu CJ«b? Tlierv'tl !»>'• no more worries, no uutix> shocks, Wlieii Kliuore i>uts us m our bos Aud s< n»\vs the Sid do>vn luml aud

&st— . ,W«'re jtol aii «y>ij>ode tl\āt A fV\v >'U.i lmuos ; md um( inueh moro. i N<u Wi>rUi ;t }•!•.. . ev«?n in l*ru»- ; gu\«i st<>ry. t>n nurifs T>ny wo j uf!l !n!o>|iriM 1t 1 IHH lUir\is. th"i s }>•><•!. W)b <sir fro»! tJry An<! l»i< i<>nipiilrtv>ts 'm falr Hawall \VH< !t>o to ]..iy that hisut'atuv pr«»mlvvm d!om. CO«nS!iMtHt aext w*vk> BULLETm

*Our U Ih*

last man. We wiii never surren- i der to the invader." They've chanjred the nanie of Ireland to Eire, but tliey can't ehānge an Irishnian's dis{ osition. An Irishman hy any other nanie is still an Irishman.


"The on!y reason why swing music hasn't «fied as quickly as predlete3, . . , _ ~J. J !_ i

is tnat nobody has succeedea in deve)oping a worse atroclty as yet, but it is doubtfu! if anything worse ean ever be invented. M DESERT POME NO. 57 Alone on the desert, Cold, disf;usted anrt blue: When you nin out of gas ' That's what happens to TOU. • • THE WEEK'S CATCH

—Pho{o by J. B. Medeiros This is Jutes Carvalho's record ftsh catch for the week. After spending an entire eveninfl on the WaHuku river bridge Jule6 was r«warded with this. lt mea«ured exactly 1 ]/ z inches. Ju>e» now holds the record for miniatures. Mritalu and France to Finland: Sure, weMI lielp yon, but don't us to do any fighting. 1940 simīle: As relentless as the ineome tax col?eetor.


Little Streauilines eaiue to \vork Mouday uioruiug with au awAil groueh. She weui to Coeonut Is- - Saturday afteruoon aud \vore her heauUi'ul new bathiug suit tlmt she got for Christwas but there \vas uol»odj there to adtuire it. She s&ys the peopte iu thts towu jus< don't appreciate l>eauty. Now she'S tryiug to give the suit away but W seems tluu she catrt flnd auybodi > Uuat tt wiil flt. Russian soidiers ar« havinfl a terr»bte iime en the Finnlsh front if they cut their whtekers off the> suffer from coid in the che«t lf they ieave them on, the Finns puli them off anyhow. S(a iin shaii hear about this. HAK B Y BRIIHiKS WHITKWASHKI >- NewspaiH'r headiiue. Peihap» uow he'ii # Muit «ctiu£ iike a lied. RuMian>born Maui man raised over $200 for Finnish relief. Weii, that fellow never exp*cts to v«sit hts old home town agatn, «nyhow. ! ——— ' i PAli'AlPAl PILIKIA.