Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 45, 6 March 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

Today, Last time "TIIK 1»K! GUY" witl Vklur Mc JUiglen aiui Jaekie l]ot>per Tomorrow Oiify "HAI.AI.AIKA" w'ilh Il'ona Massey, ! atiil Nelson | Friday Onty i'i{LOXi)IK BRīXt;.S UP DARY" - wilh lViiny Siiiixle{oii, Arlhur l.ake ati(l I.;irry Simihs . ' ../ Saturday Onjy "C0X(!0 MAISIE" witji Aun Sotheru | Sunday and Monday "TLiE WUh DēlteTia-' vis, (ieorge Rrent Miriam llopkina y i ' Tuesday and Wednesday, next week "111S (iIKL FRll)AYwith Cary cJrant and Ro*a)snd I{ussell. EMPIRE | Today Only "UAKKH'AUK" wiUi Aliee Fuyg uiul \Vurner l{iixter Tomorrow Oifly j "TIIK i:st Al»l-:" U'ilh Kane Hieh- ; mond ainl Aukiiklu Duft Friday Only "SAKAY" with Salvador Zaragoza atul LeopoUio Sakedo. Saturday Oniy "liAliA" wiili \utna.ii Kiuaiko aiul i\;nvazn $ei/aburo Sunday and Monday "TWO TiK»ROl'(jilHllKDS" with Jiiuiii.v Lydoii and Joun Brodell. "THE LONE STAI4 I'IO.N'EERS" wiih Uill Klliott Tu«sday Oniy "FIKST \VORLD \YAR" wilh authenti<- war sceue. "UIIASHINU THROUGH" wilh Jeau Uui'uien uud Warreu Hull.