Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 45, 6 March 1940 — Kennedy Says "All Hell Loose" In Spring [ARTICLE]

Kennedy Says "All Hell Loose" In Spring

IWIM BKAOH Moridu — Jo--1 set>h Kodihhl\, I!. S. ambass;ulor to saj s that "All hell is Uablo to bmik !wa> in Europe> this, spring." i lu a spetvh ai a & v cial faucUow l»eforo eiKlhii ,i. vucutk»u Mai returu to >\\tshiju£uui eu ro«te Ui, U»idou he sa,id Ouu I.oiidon w\>ukl! 1-e -he "hot isi>cC iu Uo ele^iuenu., svvc*Uh! iaier that hv H. plt,vsi<sil U««» Uoinlio, a«j<l proc<ectl U» L«u Kek ii. iMHHI iu iu&e U»rettt U««iUU Cot; Uiuev I ■