Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 46, 13 March 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

PALACE; —r— - Last Timw Tofay 4, HIS' «lUL FRIDAy' 1 ' j wilh Cary Grant, Rosalinfl Itusspl]. Thursday and Frlday "THE Sllor AKOI/NI) TUI-: C<JRXKR" \vith Margaret Sull;iv;m iind James Stewart. Saturday On!y "TIIK AAIAZIXG Mil. WILLIAAi.S" with MHvvrt I>ouglas an<l ,Toan Tslondell. ' Sunday and Monday "I TAKE THIS WOiĪAN" with Spf>ncer Trary and Hedy Lmnarr Tuesday and Wedriesrlay "RETĪ T RX OF DR. X" \j,-; Ji ,Wayiie Morris ainl Humphreyj Bogart EMPIKE Today and Tomorrow "RK\VARK SPOOKS" \{ith Joe K. rrown and Mari Cariisle FrTday On!yj "ANf; MACSASJLMI > AUUITA" T; ltpin<i Aliiaeliou Saturday Only "ANE XO THMITSU" '•MOYrnr HI:IMKI" Japanese rrogrnm Sunday Only "FIRST LOVK" with Deanna DurWn Monday Only !"CISCO KTD AXD THK LADY" with Cesar Romero. [ T«esday Only

M DAUGHTKR S COURAGEOUS with the I.ane Sisters