Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 March 1940 — KA HOKU O HAWAII [ARTICLE]


Estabīishod April, 1906 1 ★ ' THE STAR OF HAWAII P. O. Box 100-1 Office —171 Keawe St., Hilo, Hawail Honolulu O£fico Phone 5917 917 Alakea St &lso 'address ail correspondev.ce to P. O. Box 9S. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year *"> 0 (Cash in advancc, $2.00') 6 Monthi> - - - - - •- Advertising Rates on Application E3ntered as se'.:ond class mattei at the Post Offioe at Hilo. ilawaii , Under the Act of Maieh 3, 1876. ] PUBLISIIED EVERY \VEDNESDAY | ■ !■■ ' By ■ ■ . J THE STAR OF HAWAII PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Treasurer <fc 15usiness Manaser Editor in Hawaiian , ***** Anakalea Maui, M.olokai and Lanai Represeutative -- H. L. Holstein Kona Represontative Thomas N. Haae, Sr. Manager Ilonolulu Offico Harold Godfrrey Circulanon Mauaper and Editor in Enpliah B. Dixon līoopukaia ma na Poakolu apau AUHAU 0 KA PEPA O ka makahikl $3.00 (Uku kuike, $2.00) Eono niahina