Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 March 1940 — Can America Be Safe From Invader? [ARTICLE]

Can America Be Safe From Invader?

-■■f*taeed beside tbe Qjoustrttu6 war of Earope fl»e rulteil Stat«s anny of 200,000 Boldiers ls a vest pdt ket eorj>% not Targe 4»uougli W> «I # front line tre»ch. Even l*oiand, whleh wa« streamro!led Iti 30 days, had a regular army twice tlie »«■ of the "D.S.A.'s and a reserv« force foar tlmes larger, savs Kal Perlow Ia the Natlobal Poliee <Ja«ette, whleh, eoneemea āb<»al tlif n«merTe;il weakness of oiir arme<3 foires. as««iffned rep«rters to !nterv!ew variOTfs njH ua ry aulliw?tles and asoert«"iii! the exact sigatficance of our Aruiy*s staadlng. Hhonlil a war be deelare<! the lTnlte*J Stfites ean (Jraft a inlllloii tn»»n th«* rerj- first of hostnitlw. «nd fnrthenn<»re. know Just where to awlpn eiu-l» r«-oruīl<'d iueu. Kro»i the So« lul S*»i ur!ty fll«a llie ■Arm,v has« prej»Hre«l u »]wlal <3ruft fl»t of mīmoh men lTist ean t>e «tttmn«TH»<! pfomptTj. well ha;? r*"*e*,irch t>een 'eonōuelwl "llnīl «*avh ?n<.H\i<īual re-ordvd for a ī>nrtloolar task. If you*re o!d enough to go to \var the Army knows just where to put you. Asi<le froja ihe nmtiber of our Anuy the poMfr has a mlsooncer»tloii re oinliii;; it:« ,slrengtli. 1» warfaTv, sēveūty-ft\ l e por eeul of an army'.s effect iveaess depeuds solelr ujK>n the nuiteriaTs aud lam!<l<tl!xation of tl:e «atlon. other luaion in the worid ean ronipete the resources of ihe rniīod Ptates. Tf'l\isieric-a should enter tlic> war. w"itluu sls uit.mbs w wouia !iave ihe nsost effective war niaeliine fnn«'tioni"ng To tlie niao in the street the ramof blJiui> bellj- Goeriag» thē Nan big\vi£, are ie br«£gt»e that tbe Relch e&u pn> uuee lam> « luouih an<3 uutmauusaciurv ihe Alliea iu oUicr war armasaents. Thfc*e %urvs, ceg to Uie luieiiaom yr\nluv;tWu iu Uie UnUed States» has givea the iajiuaD the imj?resgioii llia; yur Artuy is w<jak. The secret to that success is that Hltler, sioce the flmjiso lie eaiue to |Rt«er, fa«muaed iadustries on a railUaristie basi& u iu« Uuited siiouiti gear its indosiries oa footiiii.

we ean proSuc-e' ati T - r»t>U eae-h iuouth f ui«re aH tvther «atl<«Ds in Europe eomlt skpuid jJbAt ai tbe T»ree«nt tinw, our automobile factt> rl« (*«Bi!y oootertible luto &Irl»lane, tanU, ttnd arU!3erj plam-O «p» iiifliiufM4tuHQg tbout SO |*-r ce«t of ali r»r6.2u thi* wurld. Our «tet'l aiiil* }nt>du(e 50 j>tr ct*ut oC tfcw» worJ<3 outi«ut und oor fuc' rwsour«fs arf unlītuited„ Durii-g a w«r oar heavj iQdu«trlfs, will of worue, In» tunted iiUo factories iua o«f«eturiug wur e^uipmenl. 'i'he liaiiwi Siates, Iw «iislin>g iiv*!it r*sourc*s t eau (k*«ble the world produciu»ii iu the t«re of tuak&, guns, artiiierj', munleU'. Aitthe Uuited States Anny hus forumlated a draft of IntSu«ri«l Mol>iiißßtion — iln» lw<-kboi«*' of oar Ariuv. is DO nwl for ll»e Vfeitnl 43tai** Artuy Wltijf largi»r In nuiu l9tHr. Wt h«ve OO »«> i» our f-w»iUiteut. A«suu3l»^ ti«»t we are to Ikwhw wiUi a jHWf>r fnmi v>verseiis uar #iary ia our first liiie <.f ii wouW i»ke idiīi>for ua enemy to laml «n aru»y of Kubstanlial #ive- in i!»e UnilHl St*tes. the isiu¥? *n anhr«ken iiw of <*«*ni!nuT!!ratMn wHI> iis h«s««K. Ii «rnuld t*e th? ilyty of ihe Navr to H«t «h» em-aiy shJji reac!u><! retl<*3 States tertitoria? wat» rv. Our ixsa< lai tiefen.<e eao aa eoemy fr»ne penetrating lmi*»rtat t «onea Tise ihai we >7ts t* l«THded s? a far-fe?i"*sed fauīasy. Owr' «niy need for an Amy 1* & nadeas peady for t»m**lUi*» mVA t**y «rtson an<l nn srni*-d orgarii?art»n prep#re<l to dr&*t of hw® when 1W en>ertvr.ty V-vk<*6ss The l"x»rpd Siajes Art)iy hi» Ty arv»T eflWSis*-!> SS the w«l rppat rnU«l &*«*«•* Antt\ *r$ tl>e nnn«f>s ou Um» dr*ft *«<! tfW bulijr M< l»Hixa tio» plan rorie f?ata U re««ly 5

ī l- i') —Asujhjrilit> iivrv ss*j ikj»i Umiwiiiia wouM Ō->C-sia«*? jr oi *:a2lin£ op re wirvete Z#t v.ilk ih* esi«evi iuioa ol b&\mg imu Aru>e lrsiiiisifc to \»e r&s<ls for U' iiuoMkUia b &iai<fct-4 li is siuioaer.